This Python program generates a random email address and password from a 2 big lists and checks the generated email.


Email Account Generator Checker

This Python program works by generating a random email and password and checks it. You have the option of how many emails you want to generate and check and it will generate the amount you want (it goes off how much where created not how much are valid).


You most likely will get many errors based off the proxies you are using. Report anything else in my discord:


We do a little Python Discord: KillinMachine#0001
This is the mail server that handles responses from the Contact Form

mailserver About This is the mail server that handles responses from the Contact Form Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key)

IoLang 3 Jan 03, 2022
check disk storage's amount and if necessary, send alert message by email

DiskStorageAmountChecker What is this script? (このスクリプトは何ですか?) This script check disk storage's available amount of specified servers and send alerting

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ok-mail-helper ok-mail-helper是一个基于imap/smtp协议邮件客户端,使用python3.x开发,支持邮件接收并解析、邮件发送,用户可在自己的项目中直接引入、开箱即用,或者结合flask等web框架轻松做成http接口供前端调用、把邮箱管理集成到自己的系统中,亦可通过

xlvchao 1 Feb 08, 2022
Convert emails without attachments to pdf and send as email

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Robert Luke 21 Nov 22, 2022
Simple Email Sender using Python 3.

Email Sender 使用 Python 3 实现的简单邮件发送工具。 Version: 0.1.2 (Beta) 主要功能 使用 SMTP 协议发送邮件 支持 SSL/TLS 、 STARTTLS 加密(为保证安全,强制加密发送) 支持邮件模板与邮件生成 支持向多人群发邮件 日志记录 脚本执行

SUMSC 1 Feb 13, 2022
This Python program generates a random email address and password from a 2 big lists and checks the generated email.

This Python program generates a random email address and password from a 2 big lists and checks the generated email.

Killin 13 Dec 04, 2022
Yahoo Mail Validator For Python

Validator Validator helps to know if the mail is valid or not Installation Install The libraries pip install requests bs4 colorama Usage Create a new

Mr Python 3 Mar 12, 2022
Simple, powerfull and nonobstructive django email middleware.

djmail djmail is a BSD Licensed, simple and nonobstructive django email middleware. Why use djmail? Because it: Sends emails asynchronously without ad

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A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service

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882 Dec 29, 2022
It s a useful project for developers ... It checks available and unavailable emails

EmailChecker It s a useful project for developers ... It checks available and unavailable emails Installation : pip install EmailChecker Domains are

Sidra ELEzz 19 Jan 01, 2023
Generate Email, Register for anything, Get the OTP/Link

OTE : One Time Email Introduction ote is a command line utility that generates temporary email address and automatically extracts OTPs or confirmation

Somdev Sangwan 457 Jan 03, 2023
Using this repository you can send mails to multiple recipients.Was created in support of Ukraine, to turn society`s attention to war.

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Oleksii Budzinskiy 2 Mar 04, 2022
This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this

AccountGeneratorHelper Library to facilitate accounts generation. Unofficial API for temp email services. Receive SMS from free services. Parsing and

Denis 52 Jan 07, 2023

alifc_email 主要特性 利用阿里的云函数发送电子邮件 使用场景 hw中的钓鱼邮件发送,一些邮服会解析出邮件的来源ip(此来源ip并不是邮服的ip,而是从客户端发送邮件时,邮服自动带上的客户端ip),对于这些来源ip可能会做一些风控。 本项目利用云函数出口ip较多来绕过这些风控 使用方法 首

19 Dec 01, 2022
An API to send emails through python3's smtplib module.

An API to send emails through python3's smtplib module. Just configure your SMTP server credentials and you are ready to send a lot of emails through API, designed to be used as a newsletter service.

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A SMTP server for use as a pytest fixture that implements encryption and authentication.

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3 Jan 25, 2022
Fast Anonymous Email Sending Tool

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Aryan 7 May 28, 2022
GMailBomber is a form of Internet abuse which is perpetrated through the sending of massive volumes of email to a specific email address with the goal of overflowing the mailbox and overwhelming the mail server hosting the address, making it into some form of denial of service attack.

GMailBomber is a form of Internet abuse which is perpetrated through the sending of massive volumes of email to a specific email address with the goal of overflowing the mailbox and overwhelming the

Muneeb 5 Nov 13, 2022
Mailer is python3 script use for sending spear-phishing to target email...It was created by Spider Anongreyhat

Mailer Mailer is a python3 script. It's used for sending spear-phishing to target email...It was created by Spider Anongreyhat Screenshots Installatio

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