TCube generates rich and fluent narratives that describes the characteristics, trends, and anomalies of any time-series data (domain-agnostic) using the transfer learning capabilities of PLMs.


TCube: Domain-Agnostic Neural Time series Narration

This repository contains the code for the paper: "TCube: Domain-Agnostic Neural Time series Narration" (to appear in IEEE ICDM 2021).

Alt text

Alt text

The PLMs used in this effort (T5, BART, and GPT-2) are implemented using the HuggingFace library ( and finetuned to the WebNLG v3 ( and DART ( datasets.

Clones of both datasets are available under /Finetune PLMs/Datasets in this repository.

The PLMs fine-tuned to WebNLG/DART could not be uploaded due to the 1GB limitations of GitLFS. However, pre-made scripts in this repository (detailed below) are present for convientiently fine-tuning these models.

The entire repository is based on Python 3.6 and the results are visaulized through the iPython Notebooks.


Interactive Environments

  • notebook
  • ipywidgets==7.5.1

Deep Learning Frameworks

  • torch 1.7.1 (suited to your CUDA version)
  • pytorch-lightning 0.9.0
  • transformers==3.1.0

NLP Toolkits

  • sentencepiece==0.1.91
  • nltk

Scientific Computing, Data Manipulation, and Visualizations

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • matplotib
  • pandas
  • pwlf


  • rouge-score
  • textstat
  • lexical_diversity
  • language-tool-python


  • xlrd
  • tqdm
  • cython

Please make sure that the aforementioned Python packages with their specified versions are installed in your system in a separate virtual environment.

Data-Preprocessing Scripts

Under /Finetune PLMs in this repository there are two scripts for pre-processing the WebNLG and DART datasets:

These scripts draw from the original datasets in /Finetune PLMs/Datasets/WebNLGv3 and /Finetune PLMs/Datasets/DART and prepare CSV files in /Finetune PLMs/Datasets breaking the original datasets into train, dev, and test sets in the format required by our PLMs.

Fine-tuning Scripts

Under /Finetune PLMs in this repository there are three scripts for fine-tuning T5, BART, and GPT-2:

Visualization and Evaluation Notebooks

In the root directory are 10 notebooks. For the descriptions of the time-series datasets used:


For comparisons of segmentation and regime-change detection algorithms:

Error Determination.ipynb
Regime Detection.ipynb
Trend Detection Plot.ipynb

For the evaluation of the TCube framework on respective time-series datasets:


Citation and Contact

If any part of this code repository or the TCube framework is used in your work, please cite our paper. Thanks!

Contact: Mandar Sharma ([email protected]), First Author.

Mandar Sharma
CS PhD @VirginiaTech.
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