Editor and Presenter for Manim Generated Content.


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Editor and Presenter for Manim Generated Content.

Take a look at the Working Example. More information can be found on the documentation.

These Browsers are supported:

  • Firefox
  • Chrome/Chromium-Based
  • Edge

Create a Project


Export a Project as a Presentation


  • Problem with exporting the file

    Problem with exporting the file

    After I press the export presentation button on the localhost webpage, and then run the command 'python3 -m http.server' in the directory, the webpage does not pop up and if I open the server link then it says that the Site cannot be reached. I am requesting for a more guided tutorial/explanation for how to export and view the file.

    opened by Arkit-Ray 9
  • Manedit don't detect projects although the directory exists

    Manedit don't detect projects although the directory exists

    Hey, it's me again, sorry for opening so many issues in such a shot period of time! I'm still working on the same project, but this time I updated to manedit 0.3.4.

    Unlike v0.3.3, it doesn't find created projects in the main "Project Selection" page, but detects that a project already exists when we want to create a project with the same name.

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Code a project,
    • manim --save_sections hsf.py,
    • In manedit v0.3.4: create a project named for example HSF,
    • Once the project is populated, you end up in the Project Selection page. On v0.3.3 you see HSF, but v0.3.4 says No project was found in the CWD; you can change the CWD or create a new project., (the directory HSF exists in the CWD),
    • Go to create new project, name it HSF, you get: The project name 'HSF' points to a filled directory. If this is a project, you can open it instead.
    opened by clementpoiret 9
  • random error

    random error

    When I wanted to create a new project, I get this output: PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2013/dosdevices/z:/dev/vboxusb' or this : PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.wine/dosdevices/z:/dev/vboxusb'

    full error:

    ERROR:manim_editor.app:Exception on /create_project2 [POST]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 2073, in wsgi_app
        response = self.full_dispatch_request()
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1518, in full_dispatch_request
        rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1516, in full_dispatch_request
        rv = self.dispatch_request()
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/app.py", line 1502, in dispatch_request
        return self.ensure_sync(self.view_functions[rule.endpoint])(**req.view_args)
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/manim_editor/app/main/routes.py", line 105, in scene_selection
        scenes = get_scenes()
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/manim_editor/editor/manim_loader.py", line 50, in get_scenes
        for root, _, files in walk(Path("."), get_config().RECURSION_DEPTH):
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/manim_editor/editor/commands.py", line 43, in walk
        for res in walk(top / name, maxdepth - 1):
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/manim_editor/editor/commands.py", line 43, in walk
        for res in walk(top / name, maxdepth - 1):
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/manim_editor/editor/commands.py", line 43, in walk
        for res in walk(top / name, maxdepth - 1):
      [Previous line repeated 2 more times]
      File "/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/manim_editor/editor/commands.py", line 35, in walk
        for name in os.listdir(top):
    PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '.wine/dosdevices/z:/dev/vboxusb'
    Creating project 'pitzene'.
    opened by huncut2016 6
  • Manedit v0.3.3 don't take priority into account

    Manedit v0.3.3 don't take priority into account

    Hey, I'm trying to make a presentation comprising 7 classes. After the generation using manim --save_sections hsf.py, they are order by default in alphabetic order in manedit. Unfortunately, it's not the correct order so I change the priority in manedit, but it doesn't seem to be taken into account as the final order stays in alphabetic order during the presentation.

    EDIT: it'll be easier with my presentation. Here it is: https://github.com/clementpoiret/manim_hsf Sorry for bad coding quality, I'm mainly exploring manim + manedit :+1: The order should be:

    1/ Introduction 2/ State of Need 3/ Preprocessing 4/ Segmentation 5/ BaggingTta 6/ Postprocessing 7/ PreliminaryResults

    opened by clementpoiret 4
  • Manim Editor v0.3.2 do not find css and js files

    Manim Editor v0.3.2 do not find css and js files

    Hi, I am currently trying to replicate the minimal example from the documentation using manim editor 0.3.2. On Vivaldi or Google Chrome, the page appears to be not formatted as it do not find css and js files as seen below. The library is installed through a classic pip install.


    opened by clementpoiret 3
  • Can presentations combine sections rendered with both Cairo and OpenGL?

    Can presentations combine sections rendered with both Cairo and OpenGL?

    Excuse me for asking here, but I didn't find any other way to contact you.

    I'm creating a presentation which makes use of the MovingCamera class in some slides and the tikz LaTeX package in others. Unfortunately, arrows drawn with tikz are missing their straight lines when rendered with Cairo, whereas they are rendered perfectly fine with OpenGL. On the other hand, MovingCamera does not work correctly when rendered with OpenGL, since this function has not yet been implemented.

    Is it possible to create a Manim Editor Project in such a way that some "slides" (sections, really) are rendered in Cairo and others are rendered in OpenGL? If possible, how could I go about rendering and ordering said sections?

    Thanks in advance for your response.

    opened by dabnciencias 2
  • Update manim requirement to `>=0.13.1` from `^0.13.1`

    Update manim requirement to `>=0.13.1` from `^0.13.1`

    When trying to use manim-editor with manim v0.14.0, this error would come up:

    manim-editor 0.3.8 requires manim<0.14.0,>=0.13.1, but you have manim 0.14.0 which is incompatible.

    This is because of the ^ before the manim version, which restricted the version a bit too much. I've changed this to a >= to include future versions too.


    opened by hydrobeam 1
  • De-Clutter Timeline; add Sub-Sections

    De-Clutter Timeline; add Sub-Sections

    Description of proposed feature

    I propose a change to the UI of the Manim Editor so that it looks more like the UI of a PowerPoint presentation. Specifically, the left panel should have only a few user-specified points to jump to, with the video between two consecutive points in the panel being made up of multiple sections.

    The usefulness of this is most stark in the use case when one is giving a presentation using the current Manim Editor:

    • In such a scenario, each section would ideally be a single animation or so, so that the presenter can describe the new content before moving on at their own convenience.
    • However, if an audience member were to ask the presenter to go back to a particular slide, these single animation sections will be a pain to browse through.

    A similar problem would also arise if someone wants to take a look at your presentation and wants to jump to a specific point.

    new feature 
    opened by suhailsherif 0
  • Add Project Deletion Button

    Add Project Deletion Button

    Hello everyone! I was wondering how I could delete a project because there is no delete button on the Project selection page or when you open the project there is no button\option to delete the file

    opened by Arkit-Ray 4
  • Export as iframe

    Export as iframe

    When including a presentation in a website, it might be useful to have a smaller window with it instead of the entire presenter.

    This version would remove some features—like the timeline and settings. It might even get rid of everything but the main video element. Then the controls would have to overlay the video.

    new feature 
    opened by christopher-besch 0
  • Add Page Linking to Multiple Projects

    Add Page Linking to Multiple Projects

    Currently, when presentations are exported, they create a html for that specific presentation only. I would like to request for there to be a sort of 'projects homepage', so that when I host it on github, all presentations are available to be viewed. Kind of like the 'project selection' panel when running manedit.

    new feature 
    opened by icedcoffeeee 2
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