Mastermind-Game - A game to test programming and logical skills


Bem vindo ao jogo Mastermind!

O jogo consiste em adivinhar uma senha que será gerada a cada partida, composta por quatro cores dentre as citadas: amarelo, verde, azul, roxo, vermelho, laranja. Inicialmente será necessário inserir quantas tentativas você deseja ter para acertar a senha (a recomendação é 10). Existem 10 pinos de cada cor no total para serem usados, não podendo exceder esse número por pino na partida. A cada tentativa será informado por pinos brancos se a cor está na posição certa, por pinos pretos se a cor está na presente na senha porém na posição errada e pela palavra 'vazio' se a cor não está contida na senha. Nas suas tentativas insira 4 das cores citadas separadas por vírgula para tentar adivinhar a senha, sem repetir cor na mesma tentativa (exemplo: amarelo,verde,azul,roxo).

Boa sorte!

Welcome to the Mastermind Game!

The game was built in Portuguese, but the available colors (which are the most relevant information to the game) are translated below. The game consists to guess a password that will be generated at each round, made of four colors among the following: yellow, green, blue, purple, red, orange (which in portuguese is amarelo, verde, azul, roxo, vermelho, laranja). Initially will be necessary to insert how many attempts you would like to have to find out the password (the recommendation is 10 attempts). There are 10 pins of each color to be used, you cannot exceed this amount per pin at each round. At each attempt will be informed through white pins if the color is in the right position, through black pins if the color is present in the password, but is in the wrong position, and through the word 'vazio' (which means 'empty') if the color is not present in the password. You'll need to insert 4 colors at each attempt separated by comma, without repeating a single color more than once in the same attempt (e.g.: amarelo,verde,azul,roxo (which means yellow,green,blue,purple)). After inserting your attempt, if you see "Senha inválida" or "Senha incorreta" it means that your attempt is invalid/incorrect and if you see "Parabéns! Você acertou a senha!" it means that you can celebrate because the passord is correct!

Good luck!

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