This is the Halloween edition of my Flask Greeting App - HAPPY HALLOWEEEN EVERYONE! :)




This is the Halloween Edition of my Flask Greeting App!


Please note, this application is mean to be deployed with Wayscript X!
therefore the requirements.txt file only contains a single library.
If you'd like to deploy it with a service like Heroku, you'll need to
generate a Procfile and a new requirements.txt file (please see
the link to a tutorial I've made about it at the very bottom)

If you want to deploy it directly from your IDE please read more about Wayscript X:

What's New?
Besides the apparent dstyling changes, I've added a list of my favourite Halloween monsters
and got them to do the greeting ;)
If you want to learn how to build the original app, checkout my tutorial on YouTube:

Programmer 💻, YouTuber 🎥, AI enthusiast 🤖 and Pythoneer 🐍 I film simple tutorials for Python beginners and share them with everyone! 😊
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