'ToolBurnt' A Set Of Tools In One Place =}



'ToolBurnt' A Set Of Tools In One Place =}

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++A toolbox that might come in handy++

optional arguments:

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

  -v, --version        Program Version

  -i, --mysystem       My System Information

  -FI, --FakeInfo      Fake Information : Json,Csv,Yaml,Xml

  -IL, --IpLocation    Information About Ip

  -UF, --UsernameFind  Find Usernames On Social Networks

  -EL, --ExtractLink   Extract Links From Page

  -HH, --HTTPHeaders   Reviewing HTTP Headers

  -WI, --WhoIs         Query Protocol And Response

  -PS, --PortScan      Port Scanner TCP

  -PL, --ProxyList     Proxy List : Http,Https,Socks4&5

  -PM, --PassMaker     Password List Maker

  -CM, --ComboMaker    Combo List Maker

  -SP, --SecretPng     Steganography 'png' 

How To Install

Open the terminal and type following commands.

apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/MasterBurnt/ToolBurnt/
cd ToolBurnt
python3 setup.py install

or :

pip3 install -r requirements.txt 
chmod +x run

In the end

How To Run

./run --help


python3 run --help

Persian wiki


Good luck =|

contact with me: Talagram
With Respect, Master Burnt

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