Assistant made in python to control your spotify via voice



Assistant made in python to control your spotify via voice



  • 📝 Toast notifications for Windows;

  • ☑️ Voice recognition by google

  • 🚅 Simple code, easily modifiable

Voice Commands

  • volumen (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100) #Change the song volume
  • siguiente #Skip song
  • atras #Previous song
  • pausa #Pause music
  • reprducir #Play music


Add support for 2 languages, English and Spanish (current)


  • Python >3.7
  • Speech_Recognition
  • requests
  • win10toast


  • pip install requests
  • pip install win10toast
  • pip install pipwin
  • pipwin install pyaudio
  • pip install SpeechRecognition
  • Change the user token in config.json you get it in: (Scopes: user-modify-playback-state)
  • Run: python3

Project status:

  • This project is active and waiting for improvements, any recommendations will be used to improve it!
  • The current language of the voice commands are in Spanish, the sooner I have time I will upload an English version, but you can modify it by changing it in the r.recognize_google and in the ifs of the commands
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