Anti-Nuke capabilities, powerful moderation features, auto punishments, captcha-verification and more.



Anti-Nuke capabilities, powerful moderation features, auto punishments, captcha-verification and more.


Install all dependencies:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then add your Discord token, which you can find in the Discord developer portal, to the very bottom of the file
  • This bot have to use the "server members intent", so you have to enable it in the Discord's developers portal Finally you can host the bot and invite it to your own server.


With some powerful features, Server Security will be able to protect your server from being nuked, raided, malicous users, spammer etc.

  • Anti-Nuke
  • Captcha-Verification
  • Join-Filter
  • Auto-Moderation
  • Panic-Mode
  • Moderation Commands
  • General Commands
  • Multi guild support Tip: The bot needs the ADMINISTRATOR permission! Restrictions do not affect members with ADMINISTRATOR permission!

Some Commands

<...> Duty | [...] Optional

s!userinfo [member]
s!bug (This command sends a message to my server with the bug, you should maybe not change this command)
s!lock [#channel/id]
s!unlock [#channel/id]
          [reason] s!unmute 
            s!nuke s!role 

For more information about a feature/module s!feature


Server Security supports multi-guild functionality, which means it can run on multiple servers, with individual options for each server.

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