🐎🖥《赛马娘》(ウマ娘: Pretty Derby)辅助脚本





育成结果 Nurturing result


  • 支持客户端
    • DMM (前台)
    • 实验性 安卓 ADB 连接(后台)开发基于 1080x1920 分辨率
  • 团队赛 (Team race)
    • 有胜利确定奖励时吃帕菲
  • 日常赛 (Daily race)
  • PvP 活动赛 (Champions meeting)
  • 传奇赛 (Legend race)
    • 自动领奖励
  • 活动抽奖转盘 (Roulette derby)
  • 遇到限时商店自动买空
  • 育成 (Nurturing)
    • 自动选择训练
      • 基于当前属性
      • 基于训练效果
      • 基于训练等级
      • 基于精确体力消耗
      • 基于羁绊值获取量
      • 暑期集训保留体力
      • 年末抽奖前消耗体力
    • 遇到新事件选项请求人工处理,后续相同事件使用相同选择
    • 自动参加比赛
      • 预估比赛结果,如果不能仅靠属性拿冠军则暂停请求人工确认
      • 自动选择比赛跑法
        • 基于属性和适性
        • 基于对手跑法选择跑法(倾向人数少的跑法)
    • 支持友人卡(在实现前可以带友人卡,就是外出时需要自己手动选)
  • 支持 python 插件


需求 DMM 版 和 python3.8


py -3.8 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

双击 launcher.cmd 可通过一个简单的 GUI 进行启动


py -3.8 -m auto_derby 工作名称



通过 Github issues 提交反馈

启动器勾选 debug 时会在同目录下生成相关调试信息,反馈时请将相关信息一同附上





运行日志,.1 .2 .3 后缀的文件为之前日志的备份







  • Recognize new shop ui

    Recognize new shop ui

    The following implementation will likely need to be changed to recognize the new shop ui. https://github.com/NateScarlet/auto-derby/blob/8060c172411afc3bf283a093733869f6a48ba0f3/auto_derby/scenes/single_mode/shop.py#L141-L171


    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:56]:auto_derby.template:183: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_shop_item_price.png>, pos=(131, 549), similarity=0.97
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:56]:auto_derby.template:183: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_shop_item_price.png>, pos=(131, 657), similarity=0.97
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:56]:auto_derby.template:183: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_shop_item_price.png>, pos=(131, 441), similarity=0.97
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:56: shop items
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	40.00/19.45:	Item<蹄鉄ハンマー・極#[email protected]>	<in cart>
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	32.65/19.45:	Item<にんじんBBQセット#[email protected]>	<in cart>
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	37.06/26.47:	Item<スパルタメガホン#[email protected]>	<in cart>
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	17.16/7.02:	Item<スピード戦術書#[email protected]>	<in cart>
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	0.00/4.86:	Item<スピードのメモ帳#[email protected]>	
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	0.00/14.59:	Item<プレーンカップケーキ#[email protected]>	
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	0.00/24.31:	Item<根性アンクルウェイト#[email protected]>	
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.jobs.nurturing:72: score:	8.00/72.94:	Item<効率練習のススメ#[email protected]>	<coin not enough>
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.template:183: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_shop_item_price.png>, pos=(131, 549), similarity=0.97
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.template:183: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_shop_item_price.png>, pos=(131, 657), similarity=0.97
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.template:183: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_shop_item_price.png>, pos=(131, 441), similarity=0.97
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:57]:auto_derby.scenes.single_mode.shop:150: exchange: Item<スパルタメガホン#[email protected]>
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:58]:auto_derby.template:199: no match: tmpl=('single_mode_shop_use_confirm_button.png', 'close_button.png')
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:58]:auto_derby.template:199: no match: tmpl=('single_mode_shop_use_confirm_button.png', 'close_button.png')
    INFO  [2022-04-12 14:01:58]:auto_derby.template:199: no match: tmpl=('single_mode_shop_use_confirm_button.png', 'close_button.png')

    new shop images: Since it is displayed in a reduced size, you can check the original size by clicking.

    others: Now that you can select multiple items and purchase them at the same time, you may be able to optimize the item selection scene.

    opened by gentle-knight-13 27
  • 养成出现选项时,在终端选择时出错


    Choose event option(1/2/3/4/5):3 ERROR [12:55:28]:main:119: unexpected exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\WisdomDevil\Desktop\auto-derby-master\auto_derby_main_.py", line 115, in main() File "C:\Users\WisdomDevil\Desktop\auto-derby-master\auto_derby_main_.py", line 87, in main job() File "C:\Users\WisdomDevil\Desktop\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\jobs\nurturing.py", line 326, in nurturing _handle_option() File "C:\Users\WisdomDevil\Desktop\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\jobs\nurturing.py", line 241, in _handle_option ans = choice.get(template.screenshot()) File "C:\Users\WisdomDevil\Desktop\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\single_mode\choice.py", line 80, in get g.choices[event_id] = int(ans) TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str


    opened by WisdomDevils 19
  • [DEV]选择夏日合宿休息时发生错误



    DEBUG [2021-06-21 20:45:50]:auto_derby.template:180: not match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_rest.png>, pos=(45, 767), similarity=0.436
    DEBUG [2021-06-21 20:45:50]:auto_derby.template:180: not match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_command_summer_rest.png>, pos=(51, 753), similarity=0.889
    INFO  [2021-06-21 20:45:50]:auto_derby.template:200: no match: tmpl=('single_mode_rest.png', 'single_mode_command_summer_rest.png')
    DEBUG [2021-06-21 20:45:53]:auto_derby.template:48: screenshot
    DEBUG [2021-06-21 20:45:53]:auto_derby.template:180: not match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_rest.png>, pos=(45, 767), similarity=0.436
    DEBUG [2021-06-21 20:45:53]:auto_derby.template:180: not match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_command_summer_rest.png>, pos=(51, 753), similarity=0.889
    INFO  [2021-06-21 20:45:53]:auto_derby.template:200: no match: tmpl=('single_mode_rest.png', 'single_mode_command_summer_rest.png')
    DEBUG [2021-06-21 20:45:56]:auto_derby.template:48: screenshot
    opened by fatinghenji 19
  • OCR fails. It seems to often take the

    OCR fails. It seems to often take the "ジ" as "シ".

    Thanks for the response the other day. The program was working fine, but the current version is failing to OCR.

    OCR frequently mistakes "ジ" for "シ".

    Is there something wrong with my settings? I have not changed any settings in NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings. (Factory default)

    Does the graphics board or Windows settings affect OCR?

    TEST VERSION fed9276f2a02a770a3116211a3ce42b7bde10c9b launcher.log

    screenshot_1622701278 screenshot_1622701289

    If you need any other logs or screenshots, please let me know.

    opened by waraiotoko2501h 19
  • 青春杯選訓練項目時會卡住


    MIP4{TQ~2 J2G0L7(6$SA2H FLU{N@ST~Q1KJ1CMJVV3 I2 File "C:\Users\sakurasou\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\concurrent\futures_base.py", line 432, in result return self.__get_result() File "C:\Users\sakurasou\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\concurrent\futures_base.py", line 388, in __get_result raise self._exception File "C:\Users\sakurasou\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\concurrent\futures\thread.py", line 57, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "D:\软件\autoderby\ver3\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\single_mode\training\training.py", line 428, in from_training_scene_v2 self.skill = _ocr_training_effect(img.crop(bbox_group[5])) File "D:\软件\autoderby\ver3\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\single_mode\training\training.py", line 129, in _ocr_training_effect return int(text.lstrip("+")) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''


    opened by denpa910 18
  • 自动出门比赛因为找不到对应赛事而报错停止



    示例: INFO [2021-11-12 09:55:09]:auto_derby.template:180: match: tmpl=tmpl<single_mode_race_menu_fan_icon.png>, pos=(203, 586), similarity=0.95 ERROR [2021-11-12 09:55:09]:main:123: unexpected exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby_main_.py", line 119, in main() File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby_main_.py", line 90, in main job() File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\jobs\nurturing.py", line 225, in nurturing spec_spec_key(tmpl) File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\jobs\nurturing.py", line 88, in _ac_handle_turn _handle_turn(ac.ctx) File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\jobs\nurturing.py", line 52, in _handle_turn command_with_scores[0][0].execute(ctx) File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\single_mode\commands\race.py", line 85, in execute scene.choose_race(ctx, self.race) File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\scenes\single_mode\race_menu.py", line 82, in choose_race for race2, pos in find_by_race_menu_image(ctx, template.screenshot()): File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\single_mode\race\game_data.py", line 263, in find_by_race_menu_image for i in _find_by_race_menu_item(ctx, screenshot.crop(bbox)): File "C:\Downloads\auto-derby-master\auto-derby-master\auto_derby\single_mode\race\game_data.py", line 248, in _find_by_race_menu_item raise ValueError("_find_by_race_menu_item: no race match spec: %s", full_spec) ValueError: ('_find_by_race_menu_item: no race match spec: %s', ((2, 5, 1), '中山', 1, 2000, 1, 2, 5400, (200,)))

    opened by debi-derby 18
  • 巅峰赛中,打开商店页面会唤起浏览器,但浏览器有报错,无限Loading中


    error JS的错误显示试图获取的Javascript文件被服务器识别为text/plain类型: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/plain". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.(assets/index.ac25b9a9.js)

    :8300/assets/vendor.1a7cc180.js:1 Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/plain". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.(assets/vendor.1a7cc180.js)

    opened by cwbeta 17
  • 默认 ExecutionPolicy 下 launcher.cmd 无法运行

    默认 ExecutionPolicy 下 launcher.cmd 无法运行

    大佬好,请问下载好的文件应该放到哪个路径? 我输入py -3.8 -m pip install -r requirements.txt报错找不到文件,之后尝试在cmd里面cd到auto-derby-master所在路径再使用上面的语句会读条安装pip依赖,pip list里面也能看到opencv等依赖 现在双击launcher.cmd会闪一下命令提示符界面,但是没有GUI。 现在不知道该怎么弄了,希望大佬能指点一下我。

    opened by loveliveao 16
  • 识别当前属性出错


    image 再次出现相同问题,这次应该不是字体的锅 重新启动后可以通过上图,但是会卡在新的图片上,比如下图: image

    Originally posted by @fatinghenji in https://github.com/NateScarlet/auto-derby/issues/16#issuecomment-854383348

    opened by NateScarlet 15
  • 笔记本分辨率不够


    我是从launch.cmd启动的,这是点了powershell的输出文本 已启动脚本,输出文件为 D:\Program Files\auto-derby-1.27.1\launcher.log

    Job : nurturing Debug : True CheckUpdate : True PythonExecutablePath : D:\Program Files\Python\Python38\python.exe SingleModeChoicesDataPath : D:\Program Files\auto-derby-1.27.1\data\single_mode _choices.csv PauseIfRaceOrderGt : 4 Plugins : auto_crane,Medium_and_long_panhandle_races TargetTrainingLevels : 2,2,2,2, ADBAddress : Version : 1.27.1 Python Version : Python 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 1 1:48:03) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]

    command: title auto-derby: 1.27.1 cd /d "D:\Program Files\auto-derby-1.27.1" set "DEBUG=auto_derby" set "AUTO_DERBY_ADB_ADDRESS=" set "AUTO_DERBY_CHECK_UPDATE=true" set "AUTO_DERBY_LAST_SCREENSHOT_SAVE_PATH=debug/last_screenshot.png" set "AUTO_DERBY_OCR_IMAGE_PATH=debug/ocr_images" set "AUTO_DERBY_PAUSE_IF_RACE_ORDER_GT=4" set "AUTO_DERBY_PLUGINS=auto_crane,Medium_and_long_panhandle_races" set "AUTO_DERBY_SINGLE_MODE_CHOICE_PATH=D:\Program Files\auto-derby-1.27.1\data \single_mode_choices.csv" set "AUTO_DERBY_SINGLE_MODE_EVENT_IMAGE_PATH=debug/single_mode_event_images" set "AUTO_DERBY_SINGLE_MODE_TARGET_TRAINING_LEVELS=2,2,2,2," set "AUTO_DERBY_SINGLE_MODE_TRAINING_IMAGE_PATH=debug/single_mode_training_imag es" set "AUTO_DERBY_WEB_LOG_BUFFER_PATH=debug/log.jsonl" set "AUTO_DERBY_WEB_LOG_IMAGE_PATH=debug/images" "D:\Program Files\Python\Python38\python.exe" -m auto_derby nurturing start "auto-derby launcher" cmd.exe /c .\launcher.cmd exit 到这里之后就提示我说powershell已停止工作,自己关闭了 同时游戏的ui界面变成这样,不知道为什么变的非常大 TC{PR39D_{2C50FYF7 GXRD 然后这是debug文件里面log.jsonl的信息 %FJ)A55@_3C})Q0 CAZPOU7

    opened by aishangbiao 12
  • 在选择比赛的时候滑动事件会变成点击事件


    报告一个新bug 在选择比赛的时候滑动事件会变成点击事件。log如下: auto_derby.log 手动adb执行adb shell input swipe 232 1391 232 1353 200同样为点击,应该不是触摸时间或者延迟的问题吧。 感觉依旧是超出了屏幕的最大值

    Originally posted by @fatinghenji in https://github.com/NateScarlet/auto-derby/issues/69#issuecomment-864555012

    opened by NateScarlet 11
  • 支持自动学技能


    现在的手动加技能点对我够用了 因为我不刷历战

    这个功能想要的人多了 (不要发 +1 回复而是右上角 😊 点 👍)再考虑实现

    其他人如果自己实现了也欢迎发 PR,不过从图片识别技能的那部分代码要求带测试。


    这个功能在 @yourlies 的 fork 有实现

    不过还不支持插件配置 并且基于的版本比较老

    opened by NateScarlet 0
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