Ros command - Unifying the ROS command line tools



Unifying the ROS command line tools

One impairment to ROS 2 adoption is that all of the commands that have worked their way into muscle memory for ROS 1 developers no longer work. Also, all of the commands in ROS 2 tend to be at least two characters longer. To get information about a topic in ROS 1, one could type rosto (5 characters before tab), but in ROS 2 the equivalent is ros2 to (7 characters before tab).

On top of the differences between the ROS 1 and ROS 2 command line tools, there is also a wide gulf between the different build tools that are available. For example, if you want to build a specific package (e.g. pr2_moveit_config) and all its dependencies, there are three possible commands, depending on the build tool.

build tool command
catkin_make catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps pr2_moveit_config
catkin_tools catkin build pr2_moveit_config
colcon colcon build --packages-up-to pr2_moveit_config

The ros_command package provides a set of command line interfaces for common actions with syntax similar to ROS 1 and catkin_tools, since those are often simpler, shorter and more familiar to a majority of ROS developers [citation needed].


This tool uses Python 3.

git clone [email protected]:MetroRobots/ros_command.git
cd ros_command
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

It also uses some BASH scripts. It is recommended that you add source /path/to/ros_command/setup.bash to your .bashrc. This will add the executable scripts to your PATH and add the library to your PYTHONPATH.

> ~/.bashrc">
echo "source $PWD/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Note that if you are using ROS 1, it is recommended that you source the setup AFTER you source ROS. Many of the commands in this library have the exact same syntax as their native ROS 1 counterparts, so sourcing after ROS gives these scripts priority.



This command was not implemented in ROS 2. There is the somewhat similar colcon_cd command, but it requires additional installation. Instead, this package has implemented a version of roscd that works with ROS 2. Because you cannot change the shell's working directory from within a Python script, roscd is implemented in bash.


rosbuild functions as a convenient wrapper for catkin_make, catkin_tools and colcon. (Apologies to all the people still using rosbuild in its original form, but its been deprecated since 2013.) Running rosbuild will automatically determine your current workspace root folder and which build tool it uses, and then running the equivalent native build command. For example running rosbuild pr2_moveit_config will run the three commands shown in the table in the introduction.

  • Like catkin build, it can be run from anywhere within the workspace directory structure.
  • Can play notification sounds when complete (see Configuration section below)
  • Displays the build status in a fancy blessed-based terminal-focused graphical user interface (although not for catkin_make).
  • Other arguments not specified in the table below are passed into the raw build command.
Category rosbuild colcon catkin_tools catkin_make
General -c, --continue_on_failure --continue-on-error --continue-on-failure ❌
-j N --jobs N --parallel-workers N --jobs N --jobs N
-b, --cmake_build_type X --cmake_args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=X --cmake_args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=X -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=X
Package Selection --this --packages-up-to pkg_name --this --pkg pkg_name
--this --no-deps --packages-select pkg_name --this --no-deps --only-pkg-with-deps
-s --skip_packages pkg_name --packages-skip pkg_name πŸ”² -DCATKIN_BLACKLIST_PACKAGES="pkg_name"
pkg_name --packages-up-to pkg_name pkg_name --pkg pkg_name
  • ❌ There is no equivalent to --continue-on-failure with catkin_make (and it is probably not possible)
  • πŸ”² There is no equivalent to --skip_packages in catkin_tools, although you could theoretically do it by parsing the dependency tree
  • If cmake_build_type is NOT specified, then it defaults to the value in the Configuration. The command line argument does overwrite the configured one.


One useful arcane command that pops up in many places/aliases (in both ROS 1 and ROS 2) is

rosdep install --ignore-src -y -r --from-paths .

According to the manual , rosdep install will "download and install the dependencies of a given package or packages".

  • --from-paths . specifies that dependencies should be installed for all packages in the current directory
  • --ignore-src will ignore packages that you have the source code checked out
  • -y makes it non-interactive (so it defaults to installing everything without prompting)
  • -r continues when you get errors

Essentially, this is a command for installing all of the upstream dependencies for the packages in your workspace.

Now there's the new simple command rosdep_install which will do the same thing. A version with a terminal GUI similar to rosbuild is in development.

rosmsg / rossrv / rosaction

In ROS 2, rosmsg and rossrv were replaced by ros2 interface, which can also handle actions. For most commands, calling the rosbuild version of rosmsg and rossrv will just call either the ROS 1 rosmsg/rossrv command or the equivalent ros2 interface command.

In ROS 1, if you call rosaction , it will run rosmsg on the constituent parts (i.e. Goal/Result/Feedback). The other rosaction variations will list only the appropriate content for packages with actions defined.

In ROS 2, if you call ros show , there is advanced functionality for matching partial names. The equivalent command to ROS 1's rosmsg show Point is ros2 interface show geometry_msgs/msg/Point. This is cumbersome for a number of reasons. First, ROS 1 is nearly half has short (17 chars vs 43 chars). It also requires you remember what package the message you are looking for is. The version implemented here will search for matching fully qualified names, and then print the fully qualified name and the contents of the interface definition.


If you use a single ROS workspace, then you probably source the appropriate setup.bash from the .bashrc file. However, if you use multiple, you can source the appropriate setup.bash with one simple command: source_ros. This will find the appropriate setup.bash by determining the current ROS Workspace based on the folder the script is executed in. Typically, this will either source the devel/setup.bash or install/setup.bash depending on whether it is ROS 1 or 2. (You can also have a setup.bash in the workspace root if you need custom logic to source additional environment variables.)

(Under the hood, this runs the get_current_setup_bash script to print the appropriate filename)

rosrun and rosdebug

In ROS 1, rosrun works the same way as the standard ROS 1 version. In ROS 2, it runs ros2 run.

rosdebug does the same things, except it will insert --prefix 'gdb -ex run --args' into the appropriate place to run your node using gdb.


The rosclean command works as a hybrid of rosclean and catkin clean.

  • With no arguments (rosclean) the script will ask whether you want to delete the workspace's devel/install/build/log directories as well as the global ~/.ros/log directory while also printing their sizes.
  • With the -y flag (rosclean -y) it will not prompt you and just delete things!
  • To just print the sizes without deleting anything, you can run rosclean check or rosclean -c.
  • You can also avoid the computation of folder sizes with the -n flag.
  • You can also provide a list of packages (rosclean std_msgs nav2_core) and it will attempt to delete just those portions of the workspace.

You can also throw the word purge at the beginning just to mirror the ROS 1 rosclean more closely.


Users may change the default behavior of ros_command by putting settings in yaml files in two places.

  • ros_command.yaml in the workspace root (highest precedence)
  • ~/.ros/ros_command.yaml

The current settings you may change are summarized in this table.

key type default note
cmake_build_type string Release CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
graphic_build boolean True By default, rosbuild shows a fancy graphical interface
success_sound string / absolute path None Sound file path to play after successful builds
fail_sound string / absolute path None Sound file path to play after unsuccessful builds

Power Usage

If you like really short, convenient commands, try adding these to your ~/.bashrc

alias sros='source_ros'                  # Easier tab completion than source_ros
alias asdf='rosbuild --this -c'          # Builds the package in the current directory (and its dependencies)
alias zxcv='rosbuild --this --no-deps'   # Builds just the package in the current directory


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