Tethered downgrade 64-bit iDevices vulnerable to checkm8



Tethered downgrade 64-bit iDevices vulnerable to checkm8

Since the purpose of this tool is to tethered downgrade a device, after restoring please use one of the tools listed below to tethered boot it:


usage: ra1nstorm iPSW [-u]

ra1nstorm - Tethered downgrade 64-bit iDevices vulnerable to checkm8

positional arguments:
  iPSW          iPSW file used for restoring

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -u, --update  Keep data while restoring IPSW (Untested)

Supported version

All iOS versions from iOS 11 - iOS 14 are supported NOTE: Due to SEP limitation, you can only restore to an iOS version which its SEP firmware is still being signed


Device From To
iPhone9,1 15.2.1 14.3


  • A computer running macOS
  • 3 gigabytes free space on the computer
  • 64-bit iDevice (vulnerable to checkm8)
  • Binaries:
  1. futurerestore
  2. img4tool
  3. img4 (img4lib)
  4. kairos
  5. irecovery (irecovery version must be >= 1.0.1)
  6. Kernel64Patcher
  7. asr64_patcher
  8. tsschecker

After downloading the binaries above, you have to move them to PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin)

  • Python3
  • Install ra1nstorm requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Feel free to open an issue if you need support/report a bug


Special thanks to m1stadev for wikiproxy and buildmanifest parser (ipsw.py and manifest.py files of ra1nstorm are copied from Inferius)

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