Read, write and execute C, C++, Javascript, Shell scripts, HTML, LaTex in jupyter notebook, And also execute them on remote computer
- Install Jupyter notebook click here
- (optional) Install LaTex for your OS get it here
- (optional) or Use Google Colab lets go!!
Run code on remote computer
In order to run our code from local computer to remote computer we need to use ssh.
As we, have a jupyter lab/notebook is running we can simply use ssh local port forwoarding to tunnel our ipython files with kernel that we are running.
- 1st we have to run
ipython kernel
in terminal
% ipython kernel
NOTE: When using the `ipython kernel` entry point, Ctrl-C will not work.
To exit, you will have to explicitly quit this process, by either sending
"quit" from a client, or using Ctrl-\ in UNIX-like environments.
To read more about this, see https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/2049
To connect another client to this kernel, use:
--existing kernel-1839.json
As we get kernel-wxyz.json
. we have to read it so we can get which port our jupyter is running.
- For getting
we can runjupyter --runtime --dir
*Remember in order to execute bash command in Jupyter notebook you have to add "!" before your command.
e.g. !jupyter --runtime --dir
% jupyter --runtime --dir
% cd /Users/mithunparab/Library/Jupyter/runtime
% ls
% cat kernel-1839.json
"shell_port": 50170,
"iopub_port": 50174,
"stdin_port": 50171,
"control_port": 50172,
"hb_port": 50176,
"ip": "",
"key": "6a45fe25-2wegc5erw3uro4fw8rw3",
"transport": "tcp",
"signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
"kernel_name": ""
- After we get the ports, we can do local ssh port forwording
Note: Try to use key based authentication for ssh for security and avoid repeatability of password.
% ssh [email protected] -f -N -L 50170:
% ssh [email protected] -f -N -L 50174:
% ssh [email protected] -f -N -L 50171:
% ssh [email protected] -f -N -L 50172:
- copy
to remote computer
% rsync -av [email protected]:.ipython/profile_default/security/kernel-1839.json ~/.ipython/profile_default/security/kernel-1839.json
- That's it now you can start ipkernel on your remote computer with aboved kernel
% ipython3 console --existing kernel-1839.json
In Jupyter notebook, LaTex syntax can be execucate using magic tag %%latex
In order to convert yout LaTex to PDF you need to install nbconvert
and follow this link for using latex tool of your choice
supports in Jupyter Notebook but may not work in Google colab