Storefront - A store App developed using Django, RESTFul API, JWT



A store App developed using Django, RESTFul API, JWT. SQLite has been used as database. Training Material


  • Clone the repository to your working folder
$ git clone [email protected]:MuhammadAlgshy/Storefront.git
  • Install requirments
$pip install -r requirments.txt
  • Setting Configuration
# OPTIONAL, change debug = false (storefront/settings --> DEBUG)
DEBUG = False
# Set the Django secret key (storefront/settings --> SECRET_KEY)
SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-_YOURSECRETCODE_'
# Set your database settings (storefront/settings --> DATABASES)
# Database
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'Storefront.sqlite',
  • Database Migration
# Go to you working directory on terminal/cmd
$ cd _workingdirectory_
# Make database migration 
$Python makemigrations
# Migrate Database
$Python migrate
  • Create Admin user
$ python createsuperuser
  • Run Server
# Run django server
$python runserver

Enjoy the experiance.

Muhammad Algshy
Muhammad Algshy
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