A guide to building basic malware in Python by implementing a keylogger application



A guide to building basic malware in Python by implementing a keylogger application. If you want even more detail on the Project view my Youtube Series linked here.

Purpose of the Project

This repository is made for the purpose of learning how basic malware can be created, obfuscated, and then deobfuscated for malware analysis. Through this repository, a fully working keylogger with the ability to exfiltrate data as well as persist on host machines will be presented. In addition to this, it will be shown how to bypass Windows Defender, a native Windows anti-virus software.


This repository is soley presented for the sake of learning. Do not use anything from this repository for malicous purposes. Replication of this repository for malicous use on a computer or system that you do not own is strictly prohibited!

Building a Working Version of the Keylogger

Installing Python

The first step is to download the Python programming language on to your computer. The link to the python download page is here. Select Windows, Linux/UNIX or macOS and download the latest version of Python. Note: When installing Python make sure to add to PATH.


Installing the Pynput Module

Pynput is an external module not included in the default installation of Python. Pynput allows a program to take in a user's key presses. To install Pynput, go to the command prompt in Windows or the terminal in Linux or macOS. Once in the command prompt/terminal, run:

pip install pynput


Programming the Keylogger: Part 1

After implementing this part of the keylogger, the program will take in key presses from the user and log them to a text file where the key presses can be later retreived. If you are wanting further explanation of how the code itself works, visit my youtube video linked here.
The code can be found in the Code folder as malware_part_1 or in the link below:


Searching in Google with Keylogger running:


The resulting contents of of the log.txt file: log_output

More to be Updated as Malware Series Progresses...

Data exfiltration and persistance will be added in Part 2

Noah Davis
Hi I am Noah Davis! I enjoy building various cybersecurity projects. Come view my work!
Noah Davis
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