Hardware-accelerated ROS2 packages for camera image processing.


Isaac ROS Image Pipeline


This metapackage offers similar functionality as the standard, CPU-based image_pipeline metapackage, but does so by leveraging the Jetson platform's specialized computer vision hardware. Considerable effort has been made to ensure that replacing image_pipeline with isaac_ros_image_pipeline on a Jetson device is as painless a transition as possible.

System Requirements

This Isaac ROS package is designed and tested to be compatible with ROS2 Foxy on Jetson hardware.


  • AGX Xavier or Xavier NX
  • JetPack 4.6


  • CUDA 10.2/11.2 supported discrete GPU
  • VPI 1.1.11
  • Ubuntu 18.04+

Note: For best performance on Jetson, ensure that power settings are configured appropriately (Power Management for Jetson).


Precompiled ROS2 Foxy packages are not available for JetPack 4.6 (based on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic). You can either manually compile ROS2 Foxy and required dependent packages from source or use the Isaac ROS development Docker image from Isaac ROS Common. The Docker images support both Jetson and x86_64 platfroms. The x86_64 docker image includes VPI Debian packages for CUDA 11.2.

You must first install the Nvidia Container Toolkit to make use of the Docker container development/runtime environment.

Configure nvidia-container-runtime as the default runtime for Docker by editing /etc/docker/daemon.json to include the following:

    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []
    "default-runtime": "nvidia"

and then restarting Docker: sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker

Run the following script in isaac_ros_common to build the image and launch the container:

$ scripts/run_dev.sh

You can either provide an optional path to mirror in your host ROS workspace with Isaac ROS packages, which will be made available in the container as /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev, or you can setup a new workspace in the container.

Package Dependencies

Note: isaac_ros_common is used for running tests and/or creating a development container. It also contains VPI Debian packages that can be installed natively on a development machine without a container.


  1. Create a ROS2 workspace if one is not already prepared:
    mkdir -p your_ws/src
    Note: The workspace can have any name; the quickstart assumes you name it your_ws.
  2. Clone this metapackage repository to your_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline. Check that you have Git LFS installed before cloning to pull down all large files.
    sudo apt-get install git-lfs
    cd your_ws/src && git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_image_pipeline
  3. Build and source the workspace:
    cd your_ws && colcon build --symlink-install && source install/setup.bash
  4. (Optional) Run tests to verify complete and correct installation:
    colcon test
  5. Start isaac_ros_image_proc using the prebuilt executable:
    ros2 run isaac_ros_image_proc isaac_ros_image_proc
  6. In a separate terminal, spin up a calibrated camera publisher to /image_raw and /camera_info using any package(for example, v4l2_camera):
    ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node
  7. Observe the rectified image output in grayscale and color on /image_rect and /image_rect_color, respectively:
    ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args -r image:=image_rect
    ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args -r image:=image_rect_color

Replacing image_pipeline with isaac_ros_image_pipeline

  1. Add a dependency on isaac_ros_image_pipeline to your_package/package.xml and your_package/CMakeLists.txt. If all desired packages under an existing image_pipeline dependency have Isaac ROS alternatives (see Supported Packages), then the original image_pipeline dependency may be removed entirely.
  2. Change the package and plugin names in any *.launch.py launch files to use [package name] and isaac_ros::image_proc::[component_name] respectively. For a list of all packages, see Supported Packages. For a list of all ROS2 Components made available, see the per-package detailed documentation below.

Supported Packages

At this time, the packages under the standard image_pipeline have the following support:

Existing Package Isaac ROS Alternative
image_pipeline See isaac_ros_image_pipeline
image_proc See isaac_ros_image_proc
stereo_image_proc See isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc
depth_image_proc On roadmap
camera_calibration Continue using existing package
image_publisher Continue using existing package
image_view Continue using existing package
image_rotate Continue using existing package

See also:

  • isaac_ros_apriltag: Accelerated ROS2 wrapper for Apriltag detection
  • isaac_ros_common: Utilities for robust ROS2 testing, in conjunction with launch_test

Tutorial - Stereo Image Pipeline

  1. Connect a compatible Realsense camera (D435, D455) to your host machine.
  2. Build and source the workspace:
    cd your_ws && colcon build --symlink-install && source install/setup.bash
  3. Spin up the stereo image pipeline and Realsense camera node with the launchfile:
    ros2 launch isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc isaac_ros_stereo_image_pipeline_launch.py

ROS2 Package API



The isaac_ros_image_proc package offers functionality for rectifying/undistorting images from a monocular camera setup, resizing the image, and changing the image format. It largely replaces the image_proc package, though the image format conversion facility also functions as a way to replace the CPU-based image format conversion in cv_bridge.

Available Components

Component Topics Subscribed Topics Published Parameters
ImageFormatConverterNode image_raw, camera_info: The input camera stream image: The converted image backends: The VPI backend to use, which is CUDA by default (options: "CPU", "CUDA", "VIC")
encoding_desired: Target encoding to convert to. Note: VIC does not support RGB8 and BGR8 for either input or output encoding.
RectifyNode image, camera_info: The input camera stream image_rect: The rectified image interpolation: The VPI interpolation scheme to use during undistortion, which is Catmull-Rom Spline by default
backends: The VPI backend to use, which is CUDA by default (options: "CUDA", "VIC")
ResizeNode image, camera_info: The input camera stream resized/image, resized/camera_info: The resized camera stream use_relative_scale: Whether to scale in a relative fashion, which is true by default
scale_height: The fraction to relatively scale height by
scale_width: The fraction to relatively scale width by
height: The absolute height to resize to
width: The absolute width to resize to
backends: The VPI backend to use, which is CUDA by default(options: "CPU", "CUDA", "VIC")



The isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc package offers functionality for handling image pairs from a binocular/stereo camera setup, calculating the disparity between the two images, and producing a point cloud with depth information. It largely replaces the stereo_image_proc package.

Available Components

Component Topics Subscribed Topics Published Parameters
DisparityNode left/image_rect, left/camera_info: The left camera stream
right/image_rect, right/camera_info: The right camera stream
disparity: The disparity between the two cameras max_disparity: The maximum value for disparity per pixel, which is 64 by default. With TEGRA backend, this value must be 256.
window_size: The window size for SGM, which is 5 by default
backends: The VPI backend to use, which is CUDA by default (options: "CUDA", "TEGRA")
PointCloudNode left/image_rect_color: The coloring for the point cloud
left/camera_info: The left camera info
right/camera_info: The right camera info
disparity The disparity between the two cameras
points2: The output point cloud queue_size: The length of the subscription queues, which is rmw_qos_profile_default.depth by default
use_color: Whether or not the output point cloud should have color. The default value is false.
unit_scaling: The amount to scale the xyz points by


RealSense camera issue with 99-realsense-libusb.rules

Some RealSense camera users have experienced issues with libusb rules.


[email protected]:/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev$  ros2 launch realsense2_camera rs_launch.py
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/admin/.ros/log/2021-10-11-20-13-00-110633-UBUNTU-piyush-3480
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [realsense2_camera_node-1]: process started with pid [3482]
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1633983180.596460523] [RealSenseCameraNode]: RealSense ROS v3.2.2
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1633983180.596526058] [RealSenseCameraNode]: Built with LibRealSense v2.48.0
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [INFO] [1633983180.596543343] [RealSenseCameraNode]: Running with LibRealSense v2.48.0
[realsense2_camera_node-1]  11/10 20:13:00,624 ERROR [139993561417472] (handle-libusb.h:51) failed to open usb interface: 0, error: RS2_USB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [WARN] [1633983180.626359282] [RealSenseCameraNode]: Device 1/1 failed with exception: failed to set power state
[realsense2_camera_node-1] [ERROR] [1633983180.626456541] [RealSenseCameraNode]: The requested device with  is NOT found. Will Try again.
[realsense2_camera_node-1]  11/10 20:13:00,624 ERROR [139993586595584] (sensor.cpp:517) acquire_power failed: failed to set power state
[realsense2_camera_node-1]  11/10 20:13:00,626 WARNING [139993586595584] (rs.cpp:306) null pointer passed for argument "device"


  1. Check if 99-realsense-libusb.rules file exists in /etc/udev/rules.d/
  2. If not, disconnect the camera, copy this file to /etc/udev/rules.d/, then reconnect the camera.


Date Changes
2021-10-20 Migrated to NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS. Fixed handling of extrinsics in Rectify and Disparity nodes.
2021-08-11 Initial release to NVIDIA-AI-IOT


[1] D. Scharstein, H. Hirschmüller, Y. Kitajima, G. Krathwohl, N. Nesic, X. Wang, and P. Westling. High-resolution stereo datasets with subpixel-accurate ground truth. In German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR 2014), Münster, Germany, September 2014.

  • Arducam-IMX219 fps reduction with isaac_ros_image_proc

    Arducam-IMX219 fps reduction with isaac_ros_image_proc


    I am using a Jetson Xavier NX development board for my project. The power mode I set is "Mode 20W 6Core". I am using Arducam-IMX219, which are natively supported. I have built and run the docker successfully and then cloned and built "isaac_ros_image_pipeline" without any error. When the camera is seen at /dev/video0, I run the gscam2 node with the following command to obtain raw image topic:

    export GSCAM_CONFIG="nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, format=NV12, framerate=(fraction)60/1 ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! video/x-raw, format=BGRx ! videoconvert"
    ros2 launch gscam node_param_launch.py

    which corresponds to 1280x720 resolution at 60fps according to v4l2-ctl --dev?dev/video0 --list-format-ext. Luckily, I obtain nearly 60fps with it (/image_raw topic).

    However, when I run "isaac_ros_imag_proc" to obtain the rectified images with the command below, I see that /image_rect topic is publlshed at most 7-8 Hz which is very low compared to actual camera fps. Here, the frequency of "/image_raw" topic also reduces to 40fps. Possibly the board already uses its max resources.

    What could be the reason for these reduction? Could it be my power settings or any GPU related settings? I am not sure if really my GPU is used? I would be glad if you enlighten me.

    bug duplicate 
    opened by kaganGH 8
  • isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc: Subscribed topics should be image_raw?

    isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc: Subscribed topics should be image_raw?

    Hi team,

    Regarding the current documentation the isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc package is subscribed to left/right rectified images (/image_rect)? But the "original" package from ros (stereo_image_proc) is subscribed to raw images, see http://wiki.ros.org/stereo_image_proc?distro=noetic.

    Is this an documentation issue or am I wrong? I have tried passing remapped nodes (left/image_raw /right/image_raw to left/image_rect right/image_rect) to this package and it seems to work with raw inputs. Nevertheless, the disparity view is not looking as good as I would expect, so I am bit struggling.

    I am using the GMSL stereo camera (Hawk) from LI, which is not publishing rectified images natively.

    Thanks millertheripper

    needs info 
    opened by millertheripper 4
  • CUDA Backend maximum disparity bigger than 64

    CUDA Backend maximum disparity bigger than 64

    Thank you for your great work! We have tested the package on CUDA backend and it works on maximum disparity 64 fine. We tried to use 128 for maximum disparity but we got whole black disparity image. We have realised, that every number greater than 64 produces whole-black disparity image.

    Best Regards

    opened by ghost 4



    I ran into the issue already mentioned here. Full error message is:

    ERROR: VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough space for resource allocation

    I tried on multiple x86_64 machines with different GPUs (RTX2060S, RTX3070) running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Docker container is pulled from NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_common (Docker Version 20.10.15).

    I started the default pipeline like this: ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe --ros-args --params-file camera_params.yaml (Webcam, 1280x960 @ 30fps, calibrated) ros2 run isaac_ros_image_proc isaac_ros_image_proc

    Before subscribing to the image_rect topic, VRAM usage is pretty stable. nvidia-smi (on the RTX2060S system) returns:

    | NVIDIA-SMI 470.103.01   Driver Version: 470.103.01   CUDA Version: 11.4     |
    | GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
    | Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
    |                               |                      |               MIG M. |
    |   0  NVIDIA GeForce ...  Off  | 00000000:2B:00.0  On |                  N/A |
    | 29%   41C    P2    38W / 175W |    826MiB /  7973MiB |     13%      Default |
    |                               |                      |                  N/A |
    | Processes:                                                                  |
    |  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
    |        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      1204      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                 65MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      1976      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                211MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      2104      G   /usr/bin/gnome-shell               35MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      2511      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox          232MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A     12497      G   ...RendererForSitePerProcess       37MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A     17581      C   ...proc/isaac_ros_image_proc      109MiB |

    Roughly 60 seconds after subscribing to image_rect with ros2 topic echo /image_rect, VPI fails to allocate the required memory:

    [ERROR] [1652183129.777531821] [rectify_mono]: Error while rectifying image: /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/colcon_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline/isaac_ros_image_proc/src/rectify_node.cpp:305: VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough space for resource allocation
    [ERROR] [1652183129.808515730] [rectify_mono]: Error while rectifying image: /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/colcon_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline/isaac_ros_image_proc/src/rectify_node.cpp:305: VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough space for resource allocation
    [WARN] [1652183129.851698683] [image_format_mono]: Exception: /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/colcon_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline/isaac_ros_image_proc/src/image_format_converter_node.cpp:67: VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough space for resource allocation
    [INFO] [1652183129.851795993] [image_format_mono]: Attempting conversion using OpenCV
    [ERROR] [1652183129.858646485] [rectify_mono]: Error while rectifying image: /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/colcon_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline/isaac_ros_image_proc/src/rectify_node.cpp:305: VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough space for resource allocation
    [ERROR] [1652183129.877362850] [rectify_mono]: Error while rectifying image: /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/colcon_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline/isaac_ros_image_proc/src/rectify_node.cpp:305: VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: Not enough space for resource allocation
    | NVIDIA-SMI 470.103.01   Driver Version: 470.103.01   CUDA Version: 11.4     |
    | GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
    | Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
    |                               |                      |               MIG M. |
    |   0  NVIDIA GeForce ...  Off  | 00000000:2B:00.0  On |                  N/A |
    | 29%   41C    P2    39W / 175W |   7947MiB /  7973MiB |     31%      Default |
    |                               |                      |                  N/A |
    | Processes:                                                                  |
    |  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
    |        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      1204      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                 65MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      1976      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                223MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      2104      G   /usr/bin/gnome-shell               70MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A      2511      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox          233MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A     12497      G   ...RendererForSitePerProcess       37MiB |
    |    0   N/A  N/A     17581      C   ...proc/isaac_ros_image_proc      119MiB |

    On the RTX2060S, the pipeline stops rectifying most frames but publishes the non-rectified frames instead, while on the RTX3070 the pipeline crashes after a few VPI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY messages. I have attached the logs of the RTX2060S setup: isaac_ros_image_proc_95128_1652183865298.log usb_cam_node_exe_95110_1652183858680.log

    After cancelling the pipeline, the memory is freed immediately.

    By commenting out the nodes of the provided pipeline one-by-one, I believe the issue stems from the rectify_node. I tried pinpointing the issue further, but unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the VPI framework myself.

    I can provide more info if required, but I'm not sure what would be useful. I also have an old Quadro P2200 available that I haven't tested yet, but would be able to if that were of any help.

    Kind regards, Finn

    opened by Finn2708 3
  • Colcon building error

    Colcon building error

    Hi everyone, i have tried to compile the workspace with colcon, inside the docker container of isaac ros common, but it seems that it cant find the libraries of ros common thus colcon cannot build the isaac_ros_image_pipeline.

    [email protected]_master:/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/your_ws/src$ cd .. [email protected]_master:/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/your_ws$ colcon build --symlink-install && source install/setup.bash Starting >>> isaac_ros_image_proc Starting >>> isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc --- stderr: isaac_ros_image_proc
    /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/your_ws/src/isaac_ros_image_pipeline/isaac_ros_image_proc/src/image_format_converter_node.cpp:33:10: fatal error: isaac_ros_common/vpi_utilities.hpp: No such file or directory #include "isaac_ros_common/vpi_utilities.hpp" ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/image_format_converter_node.dir/src/image_format_converter_node.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/image_format_converter_node.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2

    Failed <<< isaac_ros_image_proc [8.42s, exited with code 2] Aborted <<< isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc [11.6s]

    Summary: 0 packages finished [12.2s] 1 package failed: isaac_ros_image_proc 1 package aborted: isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc 1 package had stderr output: isaac_ros_image_proc 1 package not processed

    opened by ioavgous 3
  • libcudart.so.10.2 & libcufft.so.10 not found, undefined reference to cuda dynamic libs

    libcudart.so.10.2 & libcufft.so.10 not found, undefined reference to cuda dynamic libs

    I am on Jetpack 4.6.1, Jetson Nano, and using the issac_ros_* release-ea2 branches for isaac_ros_common, isaac_ros_image_pipeline, & isaac_ros_apriltag. I have run "git lfs pull" in each of the repo folders.

    Container successfully builds. I see libcudart and libcufft in /usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64.

    When I run colcon build within my container workspace, I get this error when building isaac_ros_image_proc:

    **/usr/bin/ld: warning: libcudart.so.10.2, needed by /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) /usr/bin/ld: warning: libcufft.so.10, needed by /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to cudaEGLStreamConsumer[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to [email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to[email protected]' /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.15: undefined reference to `[email protected]' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [isaac_ros_image_proc] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/isaac_ros_image_proc.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2

    Failed <<< isaac_ros_image_proc [2.82s, exited with code 2] Aborted <<< isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc [4.24s]**

    Looks like vpi is not able to link to these cuda libs? isaac_ros_common builds correctly

    wontfix verify to close 
    opened by dirksavage88 2
  • Native compiling error (X64) with 20.04,vpi1.1.11,cuda 11.4 as the tutorial says, but VPi asking by CUDA 10.2

    Native compiling error (X64) with 20.04,vpi1.1.11,cuda 11.4 as the tutorial says, but VPi asking by CUDA 10.2

    [email protected]:~/isaac_ws$ colcon build && source install/setup.bash [0.213s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_core.verb:Some selected packages are already built in one or more underlay workspaces: 'image_geometry' is in: /opt/ros/foxy 'image_transport' is in: /opt/ros/foxy 'rcpputils' is in: /opt/ros/foxy 'camera_calibration_parsers' is in: /opt/ros/foxy 'cv_bridge' is in: /opt/ros/foxy 'camera_info_manager' is in: /opt/ros/foxy If a package in a merged underlay workspace is overridden and it installs headers, then all packages in the overlay must sort their include directories by workspace order. Failure to do so may result in build failures or undefined behavior at run time. If the overridden package is used by another package in any underlay, then the overriding package in the overlay must be API and ABI compatible or undefined behavior at run time may occur.

    If you understand the risks and want to override a package anyways, add the following to the command line: --allow-overriding camera_calibration_parsers camera_info_manager cv_bridge image_geometry image_transport rcpputils

    This may be promoted to an error in a future release of colcon-core. Starting >>> rcpputils Starting >>> image_transport Starting >>> isaac_ros_test Starting >>> isaac_ros_common Starting >>> nvblox_msgs Starting >>> image_geometry Starting >>> isaac_ros_apriltag_interfaces Starting >>> isaac_ros_nvengine_interfaces Starting >>> isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces Starting >>> nvblox_isaac_sim Starting >>> vision_msgs Finished <<< isaac_ros_test [1.44s]
    Finished <<< nvblox_isaac_sim [1.46s]
    Finished <<< isaac_ros_common [8.20s]
    Finished <<< isaac_ros_nvengine_interfaces [13.2s]
    Starting >>> isaac_ros_nvengine Finished <<< image_geometry [13.3s]
    Finished <<< rcpputils [13.4s] Starting >>> cv_bridge Starting >>> camera_calibration_parsers Finished <<< nvblox_msgs [13.8s]
    Starting >>> nvblox_ros Starting >>> nvblox_nav2 Starting >>> nvblox_rviz_plugin Finished <<< isaac_ros_apriltag_interfaces [14.3s]
    Finished <<< isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces [21.1s]
    Finished <<< vision_msgs [21.7s]
    Finished <<< camera_calibration_parsers [9.09s]
    Starting >>> camera_info_manager Finished <<< image_transport [24.7s]
    Finished <<< camera_info_manager [4.52s]
    Starting >>> image_common Finished <<< image_common [0.92s]
    Finished <<< isaac_ros_nvengine [15.6s]
    Finished <<< cv_bridge [15.9s]
    Starting >>> isaac_ros_image_proc Starting >>> isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc
    Starting >>> opencv_tests Starting >>> vision_opencv Finished <<< opencv_tests [1.00s]
    Finished <<< vision_opencv [1.14s]
    Finished <<< nvblox_nav2 [16.8s]
    Finished <<< nvblox_rviz_plugin [21.2s]
    --- stderr: isaac_ros_image_proc
    /usr/bin/ld: warning: libcudart.so.10.2, needed by /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link) /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to [email protected]' /usr/bin/ld: /opt/nvidia/vpi1/lib64/libnvvpi.so.1.1.11: undefined reference to[email protected]' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/isaac_ros_image_proc.dir/build.make:165: isaac_ros_image_proc] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:86: CMakeFiles/isaac_ros_image_proc.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2

    Failed <<< isaac_ros_image_proc [20.0s, exited with code 2] Aborted <<< isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc [42.1s]
    Aborted <<< nvblox_ros [1min 31s]

    Summary: 20 packages finished [1min 45s] 1 package failed: isaac_ros_image_proc 2 packages aborted: isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc nvblox_ros 2 packages had stderr output: isaac_ros_image_proc isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc 4 packages not processed

    opened by FPSychotic 2
  • Rviz2 do not display poinclouds

    Rviz2 do not display poinclouds


    I am using the isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc with a stereo camera ZED2 in ros foxy, Ubuntu 18.04.

    My problem is that Rviz2 do not display the Pointclouds. RViz2 shows an error with :

    Message Filter dropping message: frame '' at time... for reason 'EMptyFRameID'.

    WHen I check the topic /points2, the frame_id: ''

    How can I configure the frame_id?.


    opened by JKWalleiee 2
  • Support of LI-AR0234CS-STEREO-GMSL2

    Support of LI-AR0234CS-STEREO-GMSL2

    Hi all,

    Regarding the repository isaac_ros_argus_camera the LI-AR0234CS-STEREO-GMSL2 camera is officially supported by ISAAC-ROS. I have already set up a camera with ros2 foxy docker on top of Jetpack 4.6.1 + NVIDIA Jetson AGX and I am able to spin up the camera to produce images.

    Now I would like to continue with setting up a ros image pipeline to calculate depth data from the camera images. But it seems that the Intel Realsense is the only camera supported by this repository at the moment. What are the required steps to integrate the LI-AR0234-STEREO-GMSL2 camera in order to get depth data?

    Thanks and best regards milllertheripper

    opened by millertheripper 1
  • Does Isaac ROS in this new version support Rational Polynomial calibration model?

    Does Isaac ROS in this new version support Rational Polynomial calibration model?

    I have a stereo camera that publish camera_info topic in rational polynomial intstead plumb_bob, is it supported in this new version? If not, any idea how I could make it work? some node that make the conversion or maybe from a calibration file?, in the guide I could read "maybe you need calibrate your camera", but it don't say in what format, file type or where I need locate it.

    Thanks by share

    opened by FPSychotic 1
  • no pointcloud message published

    no pointcloud message published

    image Hi, I have a disparity image but when I run ros2 topic hz /points2, there is no output.


    I attempted to use the zed2 camera's disparity image instead of isaac ros disparity image for the pointcloud and still, theres no output

    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.236553058] [disparity.disparity_container]: Load Library: /isaac_ros/install/isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc/lib/libpoint_cloud_node.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.290832296] [NitrosContext]: [NitrosContext] Creating a new shared context
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.291127438] [disparity.disparity_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<nvidia::isaac_ros::nitros::NitrosNode>
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.291191471] [disparity.disparity_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<nvidia::isaac_ros::stereo_image_proc::PointCloudNode>
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.291204752] [disparity.disparity_container]: Instantiate class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<nvidia::isaac_ros::stereo_image_proc::PointCloudNode>
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.298994417] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Initializing NitrosNode
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.299896196] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Starting NitrosNode
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.299940485] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading built-in preset extension specs
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.302319926] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading built-in extension specs
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.302443417] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading preset extension specs
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.303043941] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading extension specs
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.303087686] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading generator rules
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.303101542] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading extensions
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.303505551] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading extension: gxf/std/libgxf_std.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.306754354] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading extension: gxf/multimedia/libgxf_multimedia.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.307192507] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading extension: gxf/cuda/libgxf_cuda.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.308719227] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading extension: gxf/serialization/libgxf_serialization.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.310751653] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading extension: gxf/libgxf_point_cloud.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.360456748] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading extension: gxf/libgxf_synchronization.so
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.361779623] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading graph to the optimizer
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.365073195] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Running optimization
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.401619393] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Obtaining graph IO group info from the optimizer
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.402546580] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Creating negotiated publishers/subscribers
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.415402399] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Starting negotiation...
    [INFO] [launch_ros.actions.load_composable_nodes]: Loaded node '/NitrosNode' in container '/disparity/disparity_container'
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.532808449] [NitrosContext]: [NitrosContext] Loading application: '/isaac_ros/install/isaac_ros_nitros/share/isaac_ros_nitros/config/type_adapter_nitros_context_graph.yaml'
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.533977594] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.593242694] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.594240987] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.718856371] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.799840418] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.925754421] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.987113326] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096454.998402840] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.004442005] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.005244262] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.130424842] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.131536513] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.198594895] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.199588740] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.331221614] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.332248131] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.400106979] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.401147224] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Received a message but the application receiver's pointer is not yet set.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416188848] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Starting post negotiation setup
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416289618] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Getting data format negotiation results
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416315859] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosPublisher] Negotiation failed
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416329267] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosPublisher] Use only the compatible publisher: topic_name="/points2", data_format="nitros_point_cloud"
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416344659] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Negotiation failed
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416354291] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Use the compatible subscriber: topic_name="/zed2i/zed_node/disparity/disparity_image", data_format="nitros_disparity_image_32FC1"
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416364276] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Negotiation failed
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416371316] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Use the compatible subscriber: topic_name="/zed2i/zed_node/left_rgb/image_rect_color", data_format="nitros_image_bgr8"
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416380052] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Negotiation failed
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416387028] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Use the compatible subscriber: topic_name="/left/camera_info", data_format="nitros_camera_info"
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416394740] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Negotiation failed
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416401012] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosSubscriber] Use the compatible subscriber: topic_name="/right/camera_info", data_format="nitros_camera_info"
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.416481334] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Exporting the final graph based on the negotiation results
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.466887531] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Wrote the final top level YAML graph to "/isaac_ros/install/isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc/share/isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc/CQWAUQOGNS.yaml"
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.466981037] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Calling user's pre-load-graph callback
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.467007054] [NitrosNode]: [PointCloudNode] preLoadGraphCallback().
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.467041647] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Loading application
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.467057903] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Loading application: '/isaac_ros/install/isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc/share/isaac_ros_stereo_image_proc/CQWAUQOGNS.yaml'
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'disparity_image_input' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'rgb_image_input' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'left_cam_input' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'right_cam_input' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'disparity_image_output' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'rgb_image_output' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'left_cam_output' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] 2022-12-15 09:27:35.469 WARN  gxf/std/[email protected]: Using unregistered parameter 'right_cam_output' in component ''.
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.469809864] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Linking Nitros pub/sub to the loaded application
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.469913802] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosNode] Calling user's post-load-graph callback
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.469967883] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Initializing applicaiton...
    [component_container-1] [INFO] [1671096455.517049244] [NitrosNode]: [NitrosContext] Running appliation...
    opened by MrOCW 2
  • Add rgba8 and bgra8 encoding support to point_cloud_node

    Add rgba8 and bgra8 encoding support to point_cloud_node

    This PR adds support for point cloud creation from RGBA8 or BGRA8 images. It extends the existing logic, skipping the information from the alpha channel and using only the information from the first 3 channels

    As this could be interpreted as 'unexpected behavior' an warning message is issued stating that the alpha channel is being ignored when computing each point color

    As example, here a point cloud generated from data from CARLA simulator with CARLA ros-bridge, that produces bgra8 images

    Captura de tela de 2022-06-15 16-41-32

    opened by FelipeGdM 0
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