DiSECt: Differentiable Simulator for Robotic Cutting

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DiSECt: Differentiable Simulator for Robotic Cutting

Website | Paper | Dataset | Video | Blog post

Potato slicing

DiSECt is a simulator for the cutting of deformable materials. It uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate the deformation of the material, and leverages a virtual node algorithm to introduce springs between the two halves of the mesh being cut. These cutting springs are weakened in proportion to the knife forces acting on the material, yielding a continuous model of deformation and crack propagation. By leveraging source code transformation, the back-end of DiSECt automatically generates CUDA-accelerated kernels for the forward simulation and the gradients of the simulation inputs. Such gradient information can be used to optimize the simulation parameters to achieve accurate knife force predictions, optimize cutting actions, and more.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • PyTorch 1.4.0 or higher
  • Pixar USD lib (for visualization)

Pre-built USD Python libraries can be downloaded from https://developer.nvidia.com/usd, once they are downloaded you should follow the instructions to add them to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. Besides using the provided basic visualizer implemented using pyvista, DiSECt can generate USD files for rendering, e.g. in NVIDIA Omniverse™ or usdview.

Using the built-in backend

By default, the simulation back-end uses the built-in PyTorch cpp-extensions mechanism to compile auto-generated simulation kernels.

  • Windows users should ensure they have Visual Studio 2019 installed



To set up our dataset of meshes, simulated knife forces and nodal motion fields we recorded in the ANSYS LS-DYNA simulator, download this zip file (96 MB) and extract it in the project folder, such that the folder dataset is at the top level.

We provide a README.md file with more details on the contents of this dataset in the dataset folder. The dataset is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Python dependencies

Next, set up the Python dependencies listed in requirements.txt via

pip install -r requirements.txt

Mesh processing library

See meshing/README.md for instructions on how to install the recommended C++-based mesh cutting library that DiSECt relies on to process meshes.

Mesh discretization

For the mesh discretization we provide an example script in cutting/tetrahedralization.py based on the Wildmeshing Python API that can be used to generate a tetrahedral mesh from a triangle surface mesh, which allows it to be used in the FEM simulator.


The following demos are provided and can be executed via python examples/ .py .

Example Description
basic_cutting Cutting a prism shape with a knife following a slicing motion, running in the interactive pyvista 3D visualizer
render_usd Demonstrates how to generate a USD file from the simulation
optimize_slicing Constrained optimization via MDMM to find a slicing motion of the knife that minimizes force while adhering to blade length and knife height constraints
parameter_inference Optimizes simulation parameters to match a knife force profile from one of the measurements in our dataset


    AUTHOR    = {Eric Heiden AND Miles Macklin AND Yashraj S Narang AND Dieter Fox AND Animesh Garg AND Fabio Ramos},
    TITLE     = {{DiSECt: A Differentiable Simulation Engine for Autonomous Robotic Cutting}},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
    YEAR      = {2021},
    ADDRESS   = {Virtual},
    MONTH     = {July},
    DOI       = {10.15607/RSS.2021.XVII.067}


Copyright © 2021, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

This work is made available under the NVIDIA Source Code License.

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  • Error when reproduce demo on DiSECt

    Error when reproduce demo on DiSECt

    Hi, Heiden Thank you for sharing such awesome work of DiSECt, where the codebase is solid and cool. But I meet some bugs when try to python examples/basic_cutting.py

    The following is my bug info. It seems that cannot find kernels.so ` python examples/basic_cutting.py Rebuilding kernels /home/anabur/anaconda3/envs/robot/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py:298: UserWarning:

                               !! WARNING !!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your compiler (clang++-9) is not compatible with the compiler Pytorch was built with for this platform, which is g++ on linux. Please use g++ to to compile your extension. Alternatively, you may compile PyTorch from source using clang++-9, and then you can also use clang++-9 to compile your extension.

    See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md for help with compiling PyTorch from source. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              !! WARNING !!

    platform=sys.platform)) Detected CUDA files, patching ldflags Emitting ninja build file /media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/dflex/kernels/build.ninja... Building extension module kernels... Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N) 1.10.2.git.kitware.jobserver-1 Loading extension module kernels... Traceback (most recent call last): File "examples/basic_cutting.py", line 20, in from cutting import load_settings, SlicingMotion, CuttingSim File "/media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/cutting/init.py", line 10, in from .cutting_sim import * File "/media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/cutting/cutting_sim.py", line 25, in from cutting.urdf_loader import load_urdf File "/media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/cutting/urdf_loader.py", line 12, in import dflex as df File "/media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/dflex/init.py", line 15, in kernel_init() File "/media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/dflex/sim.py", line 47, in kernel_init kernels = df.compile() File "/media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/dflex/adjoint.py", line 1934, in compile with_pytorch_error_handling=False) File "/home/anabur/anaconda3/envs/robot/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1285, in load_inline keep_intermediates=keep_intermediates) File "/home/anabur/anaconda3/envs/robot/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1362, in _jit_compile return _import_module_from_library(name, build_directory, is_python_module) File "/home/anabur/anaconda3/envs/robot/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1752, in _import_module_from_library module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) ImportError: /media/anabur/E/robot_similation/DiSECt/dflex/kernels/kernels.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory `

    opened by ANABUR920 2
  • Error on `examples/render_usd.py` with leaf `Variable` and gradients

    Error on `examples/render_usd.py` with leaf `Variable` and gradients

    I have installed DiSECt on my system:

    • Ubuntu 18.04
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU
    • Conda environment with Python 3.7 (find the conda list here)
    • nvcc --version gives me CUDA 11.2.
    • The dataset/ folder is located in the home directory.

    Three of the example scripts seem to be running without errors or warnings.

    python examples/basic_cutting.py
    python examples/optimize_slicing.py
    python examples/parameter_inference.py

    The exception is this fourth example:

    (disect) [email protected]:~/DiSECt (main) $ python examples/render_usd.py 
    Using cached kernels
    Using log folder at "/home/seita/DiSECt/log".
    Converted Young's modulus 43000.0 and Poisson's ratio 0.49 to Lame parameters mu = 14429.530201342282 and lambda = 707046.9798657711
    PyANSYS MAPDL Result file object
    Title       : Cutting_v5--Static Structural (B5)
    Units       : User Defined
    Version     : 20.2
    Cyclic      : False
    Result Sets : 1
    Nodes       : 797
    Elements    : 3562
    Available Results:
    ENS : Nodal stresses
    ENG : Element energies and volume
    EEL : Nodal elastic strains
    EUL : Element euler angles
    EPT : Nodal temperatures
    NSL : Nodal displacements
    RF  : Nodal reaction forces
    ANSYS Mesh
      Number of Nodes:              797
      Number of Elements:           3562
      Number of Element Types:      2
      Number of Node Components:    1
      Number of Element Components: 0
    Loaded mesh with 797 vertices and 3472 tets.
    Creating free-floating knife
    cut_meshing_cpp took 2.58 ms
    224 cut springs have been inserted.
    /home/seita/DiSECt/dflex/model.py:2223: UserWarning: Creating a tensor from a list of numpy.ndarrays is extremely slow. Please consider converting the list to a single numpy.ndarray with numpy.array() before converting to a tensor. (Triggered internally at  /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1634272178570/work/torch/csrc/utils/tensor_new.cpp:201.)
      m.shape_transform = torch.tensor(transform_flatten_list(self.shape_transform), dtype=torch.float32, device=adapter)
    self.cut_edge_indices: (448, 2)
    self.cut_spring_indices: (224, 2)
    self.cut_virtual_tri_indices: (790, 3)
    self.cut_edge_indices: (448, 2)
    self.cut_spring_indices: (224, 2)
    self.cut_virtual_tri_indices: (790, 3)
    render_demo:   0%|                                                                             | 0/40 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "examples/render_usd.py", line 54, in <module>
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/cutting/cutting_sim.py", line 708, in simulate
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/cutting/cutting_sim.py", line 650, in simulation_step
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/dflex/sim.py", line 2912, in forward
    RuntimeError: a leaf Variable that requires grad is being used in an in-place operation.
    (disect) [email protected]:~/DiSECt (main) $ 

    This seems to be a PyTorch error (e.g., https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/leaf-variable-was-used-in-an-inplace-operation/308) but are we supposed to have other information stored or loaded?

    opened by DanielTakeshi 1
  • minor installation clarifications / tweaks

    minor installation clarifications / tweaks

    Hi @eric-heiden

    I added in a minor installation change. I was running a Python 3.7 conda env on Ubuntu 18, and was running your basic example after the installation steps (including pip install -r requirements.txt):

    (disect) [email protected]:~/DiSECt (main) $ python examples/basic_cutting.py 
    Rebuilding kernels
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "examples/basic_cutting.py", line 20, in <module>
        from cutting import load_settings, SlicingMotion, CuttingSim
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/cutting/__init__.py", line 10, in <module>
        from .cutting_sim import *
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/cutting/cutting_sim.py", line 25, in <module>
        from cutting.urdf_loader import load_urdf
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/cutting/urdf_loader.py", line 12, in <module>
        import dflex as df
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/dflex/__init__.py", line 15, in <module>
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/dflex/sim.py", line 47, in kernel_init
        kernels = df.compile()
      File "/home/seita/DiSECt/dflex/adjoint.py", line 1934, in compile
      File "/home/seita/miniconda3/envs/disect/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1285, in load_inline
      File "/home/seita/miniconda3/envs/disect/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1347, in _jit_compile
      File "/home/seita/miniconda3/envs/disect/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1418, in _write_ninja_file_and_build_library
      File "/home/seita/miniconda3/envs/disect/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1474, in verify_ninja_availability
        raise RuntimeError("Ninja is required to load C++ extensions")
    RuntimeError: Ninja is required to load C++ extensions
    (disect) [email protected]:~/DiSECt (main) $

    The fix is to do a simple pip install ninja. I've put this in the requirements.txt. (If it would help, I can also write a more detailed overview of how I installed this to make it reproducible in case you don't experience this on your end.)

    I've also put a slight clarification into where the instructions are for installing USD libraries in README.md. It might not be as clear on a first glance.

    opened by DanielTakeshi 1
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