Anytime Autoregressive Model
Anytime Sampling for Autoregressive Models via Ordered Autoencoding , ICLR 21
β Yilun Xu, Yang Song, Sahaj Gara, Linyuan Gong, Rui Shu, Aditya Grover, Stefano Ermon
A new family of autoregressive model that enables anytime samplingβ!
Experiment 1: Image generation
- Step 1: Pretrain VQ-VAE with full code length:
python --hidden-size latent-size --k codebook-size --dataset name-of-dataset --data-folder paht-to-dataset --out-path path-to-model --pretrain
latent-size: latent code length
codebook-size: codebook size
name-of-dataset: mnist / cifar10 / celeba
path-to-dataset: path to the roots of dataset
path-to-model: path to save checkpoints
- Step 2: Train ordered VQ-VAE:
python --hidden-size latent-size --k codebook-size --dataset name-of-dataset --data-folder paht-to-dataset --out-path path-to-model --restore-checkpoint path-to-checkpoint --lr learning-rate
latent-size: latent code length
codebook-size: codebook size
name-of-dataset: mnist / cifar10 / celeba
path-to-dataset: path to the roots of dataset
path-to-model: path to save checkpoints
path-to-checkpoint: the path of the best checkpoint in Step 1
learning-rate: learning rate (recommended:1e-3)
- Step 3: Train autoregressive model
python --task integer_sequence_modeling \
path-to-dumped-codes --vocab-size codebook-size --tokens-per-sample latent-size \
--ae-dataset name-of-dataset --ae-data-path path to the roots of dataset --ae-checkpoint path-to-checkpoint --ae-batch-size 512 \
--arch transformer_lm --dropout dropout-rate --attention-dropout dropout-rate --activation-dropout dropout-rate \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-6 --weight-decay 0.1 --clip-norm 0.0 \
--lr 0.002 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 3000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 \
--max-sentences ar-batch-size \
--fp16 \
--max-update iterations \
--seed 2 \
--log-format json --log-interval 10000000 --no-epoch-checkpoints --no-last-checkpoints \
--save-dir path-to-model
path-to-dumped-codes: path to the dumped codes of VQ-VAE model (fasten training process)
dropout-rate: dropout rate
latent-size: latent code length
codebook-size: codebook size
name-of-dataset: mnist / cifar10 / celeba
path-to-dataset: path to the roots of dataset
path-to-model: path to save checkpoints
path-to-checkpoint: the path of the best checkpoint in Step 2
ar-batch-size: batch size of autorregressive model
iterations: training iterations
Anytime sampling (Inference):
python3 --n-samples number-of-samples --out-path paht-to-img \
--tokens-per-sample latent-size --vocab-size codebook-size --tokens-per-target code-num \
--ae-checkpoint path-to-ae --ae-batch-size 512 \
--ar-checkpoint path-to-ar --ar-batch-size batch-size
(--ae_celeba --ae_mnist)
number-of-samples: number of samples to be generated
path-to-img: path to the generated samples
latent-size: latent code length
codebook-size: codebook size
code-num: number of codes used to generated (Anytime sampling!)
path-to-ae: path to the VQ-VAE checkpoint in Step 2
path-to-ar: path to the Transformer checkpoint in Step 3
batch-size: batch size for Transforer
ae_celeba: store_true for generating CelebA
ae_mnist: store_true for generating mnist
Experiment 2: Audio Generation
Firstly cd audio-wave/src
- Step 1: Pretrain VQ-VAE with full code length:
python3 -ex ../configuration/experimens_wave_vq_whole_bigger.jason
- Step 2: Train ordered VQ-VAE:
python3 -ex ../configuration/experimens_wave_vq_whole_bigger_u.json
Step 3: Training Transformerr models:
- A more step: dump the codebook by: (Will merge this step in future version)
python3 -ex ../configuration/experimens_wave_vq_whole_bigger_u.json --dump
python --task integer_sequence_modeling \
path-to-dumped-codes --vocab-size codebook-size --tokens-per-sample latent-size \
--arch transformer_lm --dropout dropout-rate --attention-dropout dropout-rate --activation-dropout dropout-rate \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-6 --weight-decay 0.1 --clip-norm 0.0 \
--lr 0.002 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 3000 --warmup-init-lr 1e-07 \
--max-sentences ar-batch-size \
--fp16 \
--max-update iterations \
--seed 2 \
--log-format json --log-interval 10000000 --no-epoch-checkpoints --no-last-checkpoints \
--save-dir path-to-model
path-to-dumped-codes: path to the dumped codes of VQ-VAE model (fasten training process)
dropout-rate: dropout rate
latent-size: latent code length
codebook-size: codebook size
name-of-dataset: mnist / cifar10 / celeba
path-to-dataset: path to the roots of dataset
path-to-model: path to save checkpoints
ar-batch-size: batch size of autorregressive model
iterations: training iterations
Anytime sampling (Inference):
python3 --n-samples number-of-samples --out-path paht-to-img \
--tokens-per-sample latent-size --vocab-size codebook-size --tokens-per-target code-num \
--ar-checkpoint path-to-ar --ar-batch-size batch-size
number-of-samples: number of samples to be generated
path-to-img: path to the generated samples
latent-size: latent code length
codebook-size: codebook size
code-num: number of codes used to generated (Anytime sampling!)
path-to-ar: path to the Transformer checkpoint in Step 3
batch-size: batch size for Transforer
title={Anytime Sampling for Autoregressive Models via Ordered Autoencoding},
author={Yilun Xu and Yang Song and Sahaj Garg and Linyuan Gong and Rui Shu and Aditya Grover and Stefano Ermon},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},