Professor Wordlist is a free open source command line tool written in python


Professor Wordlist

Professor Wordlist is a free open source command line tool written in python, With the aim of generating custom wordlists with a variety of unique parameters and functions providing many possibilities.

.`/ -np | --noprint No Print: Will not print each combination. -o | --output file path: -o test.txt ">
   ---------------------------------------------Positional arguments---------------------------------------------:

          string         The String is a required parameter.  [%d, %s, %l, %L, %w, %W, %X, %Y, %Z]

             %d : digit [1-9]            %l : lowercase letter [a-z]   %w : Wordlist word's
             %s : symbol [!@#$%^&?*]     %L : Uppercase letter [A-Z]   %W : Custom Word/s
             %X : Custom List            %Y : Custom list #2           %Z : Custom list #3

   ---------------------------------------------Optional arguments---------------------------------------------:

      -h | --help            show this help message and exit

      -C | --custom          A custom list for characters of your choice, replace %X. 
      -C2 | --custom2        A Second list for custom characters, replace %Y.

      -C3 | --custom3        A Third list for custom characters, replace %Z.

      -W | --words           Replace %W, please add words

      -w | --wordlist        Replace %w, file path: -w list.txt

      -r | --replace         Replace Any Character of your choice. -r a 1

      -L | --letters         All Letters, %L will represent lowercase and capital alphabet range [a-zA-Z]

      -S | --symbols         Uses the full comprehensive symbol range when replacing %s:
                             Full list: -->   #!@$%^&*?()_-+={[}]|\:;"'<,>.`/  

      -np | --noprint        No Print: Will not print each combination.

      -o | --output          file path: -o test.txt

Any suggestions to improve the software please let me know! Open to all Ideas and Improvements!

    Discord #Oakzeh5250
    Email: [email protected]
    twitter @Oakzeh

The software is free to use! Feel Free to support me below :) 


   test0         test5         "digits"    
   test1         test6         range [0-9]       
   test2         test7
   test3         test8
   test4         test9 test%l

   testa         testb         "lowercase"
   testc         testd          range [a-z]
   teste         testf         ... test%L

   testA         testB         "uppercase"
   testC         testD          range [A-Z]
   testE         testF         ... test%s

   test!         test@         "basic symbols"
   test#         test$          range [!@#$%^&?*]
   test%         test*          ... test%X -C ABC123

   testA         testB         "custom range"
   testC         test1          range [ABC123]
   test2         test3          ... %W_%d -W Red Blue Green

   Red_0          Red_1  ...       "custom Words"
   Blue_0         Blue_1  ...        -W --words
   Green_0        Green_1  ...       replace_input%s -S -r replace test

   test_input#         test_input!         "Replace"
   test_input@         test_input$          -r --replace
   test_input%         test_input^           ... %L%d%d%d%s --output outputfile.txt

      U999*           X999*
      V999*           Y999*
      W999*           Z999*
      234000 combinations have been successfully written to outputfile.txt %w_%L_%s -S -L --wordlist list.txt -o outputfile.txt --noprint

   1664 combinations have been successfully written to outputfile.txt
   *Wordlist (--wordlist or -w), All letters (-L), Comprehensive Symbol range (-S or --symbols), 
   Output (-o or --output) and not print every combination (-np or --noprint)*
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Cyber Security Enthusiast. Here to have fun and make cool stuff.
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