For radiometrically calibrating and PSF deconvolving IRIS data



For radiometrically calibrating and PSF deconvolving IRIS data.

I dislike how I need to own proprietary software (IDL) just to simply prepare my data. I use Python for my analysis, why can't I radiometrically calibrate and deconvolve with it? This has been a passion project of mine during my PhD. The radiometric calibration keeps itself up to date with the response files by checking every time it is run. If it finds new files, it downloads them before continuing.

These scripts should be general purpose and "just work". No janky hacks are present.

This remains untested on Windows and Mac. However, I expect it to work on UNIX-like OSes. translated by Aaron W. Peat. translated by Aaron W. Peat. authored by Aaron W. Peat authored by Aaron W. Peat authored by Dr Graham S. Kerr.
IRIS_SG_PSFs.pkl supplied by Dr Graham S. Kerr.

Special thanks to Dr C.M.J. Osborne ( for putting up with my incessant and innane questions.

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