Improving adversarial robustness by a coupling rejection strategy


Adversarial Training with Rectified Rejection

The code for the paper Adversarial Training with Rectified Rejection.

Environment settings and libraries we used in our experiments

This project is tested under the following environment settings:

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4
  • GPU: Geforce 2080 Ti or Tesla P100
  • Cuda: 10.1, Cudnn: v7.6
  • Python: 3.6
  • PyTorch: >= 1.6.0
  • Torchvision: >= 0.6.0


The codes are modifed based on Rice et al. 2020, and the model architectures are implemented by pytorch-cifar.

Training Commands

Below we provide running commands training the models with the RR module, taking the setting of PGD-AT + RR (ResNet-18) as an example:

python --model_name PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 --attack pgd --lr-schedule piecewise \
                                              --epochs 110 --epsilon 8 \
                                              --attack-iters 10 --pgd-alpha 2 \
                                              --fname auto \
                                              --batch-size 128 \
                                              --adaptivetrain --adaptivetrainlambda 1.0 \
                                              --weight_decay 5e-4 \
                                              --twobranch --useBN \
                                              --selfreweightCalibrate \
                                              --dataset 'CIFAR-10' \
                                              --ATframework 'PGDAT' \

The FLAG --model_name can be PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 (ResNet-18) or WideResNet_twobranch_DenseV1 (WRN-34-10). For alternating different AT frameworks, we can set the FLAG --ATframework to be one of PGDAT, TRADES, CCAT.

Evaluation Commands

Below we provide running commands for evaluations.

Evaluating under the PGD attacks

The trained model is saved at trained_models/model_path, where the specific name of model_path is automatically generated during training. The command for evaluating under PGD attacks is:

python --model_name PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 --evalset test --norm l_inf --epsilon 8 \
                                              --attack-iters 1000 --pgd-alpha 2 \
                                              --fname trained_models/model_path \
                                              --load_epoch -1 \
                                              --dataset 'CIFAR-10' \
                                              --twobranch --useBN \

Evaluating under the adaptive CW attacks

The parameter FLAGs --binary_search_steps, --CW_iter, --CW_confidence can be changed, where --detectmetric indicates the rejector that needs to be adaptively evaded.

python --model_name PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 --evalset adaptiveCWtest \
                                              --fname trained_models/model_path \
                                              --load_epoch -1 --seed 2020 \
                                              --binary_search_steps 9 --CW_iter 100 --CW_confidence 0 \
                                              --threatmodel linf --reportmodel linf \
                                              --twobranch --useBN \
                                              --selfreweightCalibrate \
                                              --detectmetric 'RR' \
                                              --dataset 'CIFAR-10'

Evaluating under multi-target and GAMA attacks

The running command for evaluating under multi-target attacks is activated by the FLAG --evalonMultitarget as:

python --model_name PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 --evalset test --norm l_inf --epsilon 8 \
                                              --attack-iters 100 --pgd-alpha 2 \
                                              --fname trained_models/model_path \
                                              --load_epoch -1 \
                                              --dataset 'CIFAR-10' \
                                              --twobranch --useBN \
                                              --selfreweightCalibrate \
                                              --evalonMultitarget --restarts 1

The running command for evaluating under GAMA attacks is activated by the FLAG --evalonGAMA_PGD or --evalonGAMA_FW as:

python --model_name PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 --evalset test --norm l_inf --epsilon 8 \
                                              --attack-iters 100 --pgd-alpha 2 \
                                              --fname trained_models/model_path \
                                              --load_epoch -1 \
                                              --dataset 'CIFAR-10' \
                                              --twobranch --useBN \
                                              --selfreweightCalibrate \

Evaluating under CIFAR-10-C

The running command for evaluating on common corruptions in CIFAR-10-C is:

python --model_name PreActResNet18_twobranch_DenseV1 \
                                              --fname trained_models/model_path \
                                              --load_epoch -1 \
                                              --dataset 'CIFAR-10' \
                                              --twobranch --useBN \
Tianyu Pang
Ph.D. Student (Machine Learning)
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