flask-postgres-CRUD A basic CRUD application built in flask using postgres as database Taks list Dockerfile Initial docker-compose - It is working Database class/access Config files Flask initial configs CRUD routes Basic frontend files to view application PyTest - In development CRUD revision - better management Advanced frontend Bootstrap - CSS framework JS - framework is being chosen Dockerfile/dockercompose adjusts - It will be necessary because futures features Free hosting on herokuapp.com/ - Whatever I hosting before done - Well, I did! current version link How to test now Make the following steps to debug this application inside a docker container [[email protected]]$ git clone https://github.com/PabloEmidio/flask-postgres-CRUD.git [[email protected]]$ cd flask-postgres-CRUD [[email protected] flask-postgres-CRUD]$ docker-compose build [[email protected] flask-postgres-CRUD]$ docker-compose up -d [[email protected] flask-postgres-CRUD]$ URL=""; xdg-open $URL || sensible-browser $URL || x-www-browser $URL || gnome-open $URL