Tic-Tac-Toe - Tic-Tac-Toe game build With Python


Tic Tac Toe

This game is very popular amongst all of us and even fun to build as a Python project. I am pretty sure most of us know how to play it but let me give a quick brush up.

It is a two-player game and consists of a nine-square grid. Each player chooses their move and with O or X and marks their square one at each chance. The player who succeeds in making their marks all in one line whether diagonally, horizontally, or vertically wins. The challenge for the other player is to block the game for their opponent and also to make their chain.

For building this project in Python who can use the Pygame Python library that is loaded with all computer graphics and sounds.


This is a personal learning project for me. Please feel free to fork this repo. Pull request to submit more programs.


If you find any bug or have any suggestion, please do file issues. I am graceful for any feedback and will do my best to improve this package.


MIT © 2020 PyLaboratory

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