The repository forked from NVlabs uses our data. (Differentiable rasterization applied to 3D model simplification tasks)


nvdiffmodeling [origin_code]

Teaser image

Differentiable rasterization applied to 3D model simplification tasks, as described in the paper:

Appearance-Driven Automatic 3D Model Simplification
Jon Hasselgren, Jacob Munkberg, Jaakko Lehtinen, Miika Aittala and Samuli Laine


Copyright © 2021, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License.

For business inquiries, please visit our website and submit the form: NVIDIA Research Licensing


  title     = {Appearance-Driven Automatic 3D Model Simplification},
  author    = {Jon Hasselgren and Jacob Munkberg and Jaakko Lehtinen and Miika Aittala and Samuli Laine},
  booktitle = {Eurographics Symposium on Rendering},
  year      = {2021}



Tested in Anaconda3 with Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.8.

One time setup (Windows)

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019+ with Microsoft Visual C++.
  2. Install Cuda 10.2 or above. Note: Install CUDA toolkit from (not through anaconda)
  3. Install the appropriate version of PyTorch compatible with the installed Cuda toolkit. Below is an example with Cuda 11.1
conda create -n dmodel python=3.6
activate dmodel
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
conda install imageio
pip install PyOpenGL glfw
  1. Install nvdiffrast in the dmodel conda env. Follow the installation instructions.

Every new command prompt

activate dmodel


Sphere to cow example:

python --config configs/spot.json

The results will be stored in the out folder. The Spot model was created and released into the public domain by Keenan Crane.

Additional assets can be downloaded here [205MB]. Unzip and place the subfolders in the project data folder, e.g., data\skull. All assets are copyright of their respective authors, see included license files for further details.

Included examples

  • building.json - Our data
  • skull.json - Joint normal map and shape optimization on a skull
  • ewer.json - Ewer model from a reduced mesh as initial guess
  • gardenina.json - Aggregate geometry example
  • hibiscus.json - Aggregate geometry example
  • figure_brushed_gold_64.json - LOD example, trained against a supersampled reference
  • figure_displacement.json - Joint shape, normal map, and displacement map example

The json files that end in _paper.json are configs with the settings used for the results in the paper. They take longer and require a GPU with sufficient memory.

Server usage (through Docker)

  • Build docker image (run the command from the code root folder). docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t diffmod:v1 . Requires a driver that supports Cuda 10.1 or newer.

  • Start an interactive docker container: docker run --gpus device=0 -it --rm -v /raid:/raid -it diffmod:v1 bash

  • Detached docker: docker run --gpus device=1 -d -v /raid:/raid -w=[path to the code] diffmod:v1 python --config configs/spot.json

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