Generate SVG (dark/light) images visualizing (private/public) GitHub repo statistics for profile/website.


GitHub Stats Visualization

Generate daily updated visualizations of GitHub user and repository statistics from the GitHub API using GitHub Actions for any combination of private and public repositories, whether owned or contributed to - no server required.

GitStats Overview - LightGitStats Overview - DarkGitStats Languages - LightGitStats Languages - Dark

This is a modification of jstrieb/github-stats with many additional statistics, options and dark mode support

By default, statistical data for GitHub repositories an authenticated user either owns, has collaborative access to, or has otherwise contributed to are fetched from the GitHub API for visualization.

Forked repositories are excluded by default. However, there are many options provided for including or excluding any repository and more using: Statistics Options.

Regardless of which repositories are included, the generated All-time GitHub contributions given statistic will always represent all GitHub contributions by the user.

It seems that view and clone statistical data for repositories that an authenticated user neither owns nor has collaborative access to are not included in the generated statistics being visualized.

It also seems that statistics for contributions to GitHub repositories that an authenticated user neither owns nor has collaborative access to possibly only includes repositories that exist on GitHub before the contributions do. Contribution statistics for repositories uploaded to GitHub after the contributions are made, so long that the configured commit email is associated with the user's GitHub account, can be included in the statistic visualizations by manually including the repository using the MORE_REPOS secret option in Statistics Options.


Click to view step-by-step instructions for generating your own GitHub statistics visualizations

Copy Repository

  1. Click the link to: Create your own copy of this repository for viewing your GitHub stats

    • Note: the first GitHub Actions workflow initiated at creation of the copied repository is expected to fail

Generate a New Personal Access Token

  1. Generate a personal access token by following these steps:
    1. If you are logged in, click this link to: generate a new token
    2. Name the token
    3. Select your preferred 'Expiration' date
    4. Select repo for 'Full control of private repositories'
    5. Select read:user to 'Read ALL user profile data'
    6. Click the 'Generate token' button
    7. Copy the generated token - there is only one opportunity provided for this

Create ACCESS_TOKEN Secret

  1. Create a repository secret for the personal access token by following these steps:
    1. If this is your copy of the repository, click this link to: create a new secret
      • Otherwise, go to repository Settings, click the Secrets option, then click New repository secret
    2. Name the new secret: ACCESS_TOKEN
    3. Enter the generated personal access token as the 'Value'

Run GitHub Actions Workflow

  1. Manually generate GitHub statistics visualizations:
    1. This can be done using any of the following two GitHub Actions workflows:
      1. For the first time, or to reset stored statistics (although this is done with every push to master):

        This is required if the actions_branch branch is not created, as it is created when run

      2. Otherwise, for updating generated statistics visualizations (although this is automatically done daily):

        This requires the actions_branch branch to first be created with generated statistics visualizations

    2. With the GitHub Actions page open, click the 'Run workflow' dropdown menu button
    3. Select Branch: master from the 'Use workflow from' dropdown list
    4. Click the 'Run workflow' button

View Generated Statistics

  1. Following the successful completion of a workflow, generated statistics visualizations can be viewed:
    1. In the generated_images directory in the actions_branch branch with the following image links:
      1. Language statistics using @media prefers-color-scheme for dark and light mode - not tested
      2. Language statistics in light mode only
      3. Language statistics in dark mode only
      4. Overview statistics using @media prefers-color-scheme for dark and light mode - not tested
      5. Overview statistics in light mode only
      6. Overview statistics in dark mode only

Display Generated Statistics

  1. To display the generated statistics, constant URLs can be used for images that are updated daily:
    1. For a GitHub profile, attach #gh-light-mode-only and #gh-dark-mode-only to light and dark raw image links, respectively, such as:
      1. For generated language statistics visualizations (replacing with your GitHub username):
      1. For generated overview statistic visualizations (replacing with your GitHub username):
    2. For websites, use the raw image URLs for any suitable image from the above View Generated Statistics links.

      Note: I have not used the images on any website other than the following GitHub pages:

Statistics Options

Click to view Repository Secrets for customizing GitHub statistic visualizations
  • Secret Name: EXCLUDED
    • for excluding listed repositories from being included in the generated statistic visualizations
    • enter Value in the following format (separated by commas):
      • [owner/repo],[owner/repo],...,[owner/repo]
    • example:
      • jstrieb/github-stats,rahul-jha98/github-stats-transparent,idiotWu/stats
  • Secret Name: ONLY_INCLUDED
    • for ONLY including listed repositories in the generated statistic visualizations
    • enter Value in the following format (separated by commas):
      • [owner/repo],[owner/repo],...,[owner/repo]
    • example:
      • R055A/GitStats,R055A/R055A
  • Secret Name EXCLUDED_LANGS
    • for excluding listed languages from being included in the generated statistic visualizations
    • enter Value in the following format (separated by commas):
      • [language],[language],...,[language]
    • example:
      • HTML,Jupyter Notebook,Makefile,Dockerfile
    • for including forked repositories in the generated statistic visualizations
      • false by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • true
    • for excluding repositories (pull request) contributed to in the generated statistic visualizations
      • false by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • true
    • for excluding archived repositories in the generated statistic visualizations
      • false by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • true
    • for excluding private repositories in the generated statistic visualizations
      • false by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • true
    • for excluding public repositories in the generated statistic visualizations
      • false by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • true
  • Secret Name MORE_REPOS
    • for including repositories that are otherwise not included in the generated statistic visualizations
      • such as imported repositories with contributions
    • enter Value in the following format (separated by commas):
      • [owner/repo],[owner/repo],...,[owner/repo]
    • example:
      • R055A/GitStats,R055A/R055A
  • Secret Name MORE_COLLABS
    • for adding a constant value to the generated repository collaborators statistic
      • such as for collaborators that are otherwise not represented
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • example:
      • 4
    • for storing generated repository clone statistic visualization data beyond the 14 day-limit GitHub API allows
      • true by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • false
  • Secret Name STORE_REPO_VIEWS
    • for storing generated repository view statistic visualization data beyond the 14 day-limit GitHub API allows
      • true by default
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • examples:
      • false
  • Secret Name REPO_VIEWS
    • for adding a constant value to the generated repository view statistics
      • such as for when the stored data is reset or when importing stat data from elsewhere
      • requires being removed within 14 days after the first workflow is run (with LAST_VIEWED)
      • requires corresponding LAST_VIEWED and FIRST_VIEWED Secrets
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • example:
      • 5000
  • Secret Name LAST_VIEWED
    • for updating the date the generated repository view statistics data is added to storage from
      • such as for when the stored data is reset or when importing stat data from elsewhere
      • requires being removed within 14 days after the first workflow is run (with REPO_VIEWS)
      • may require corresponding REPO_VIEWS and FIRST_VIEWED Secrets
    • enter Value in the following format:
      • YYYY-MM-DD
    • example:
      • 2020-10-01
  • Secret Name FIRST_VIEWED
    • for updating the 'as of' date the generated repository view statistics data is stored from
      • such as for when the stored data is reset or when importing stat data from elsewhere
      • may require corresponding REPO_VIEWS and LAST_VIEWED Secrets
    • enter Value in the following format:
      • YYYY-MM-DD
    • example:
      • 2021-03-31
  • Secret Name REPO_CLONES
    • for adding a constant value to the generated repository clone statistics
      • such as for when the stored data is reset or when importing stat data from elsewhere
      • requires being removed within 14 days after the first workflow is run (with LAST_CLONED)
      • requires corresponding LAST_CLONED and FIRST_CLONED Secrets
    • enter Value in the following format:
    • example:
      • 2500
  • Secret Name LAST_CLONED
    • for updating the date the generated repository clone statistics data is added to storage from
      • such as for when the stored data is reset or when importing stat data from elsewhere
      • requires being removed within 14 days after the first workflow is run (with REPO_CLONES)
      • may require corresponding REPO_CLONES and FIRST_CLONED Secrets
    • enter Value in the following format:
      • YYYY-MM-DD
    • example:
      • 2020-10-01
  • Secret Name FIRST_CLONED
    • for updating the 'as of' date the generated repository clone statistics data is stored from
      • such as for when the stored data is reset or when importing stat data from elsewhere
      • may require corresponding REPO_CLONES and LAST_CLONED Secrets
    • enter Value in the following format:
      • YYYY-MM-DD
    • example:
      • 2021-04-01

Support the Project

There are a few things you can do to support the project:

  • Star the repository (and follow me and/or jstrieb on GitHub for more)
  • Share and upvote on sites
  • Report any bugs, glitches, or errors that you find
  • Spare a donation to a worthy cause

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