This is a python package to get wards, districts,cities and provinces in Zimbabwe




  • This is a python package that allows you to search for cities, provinces, and districts in Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe is split into eight provinces and two cities that are designated as provincial capitals. Districts are organized into 59 provinces.Wards are organized into 1,200 districts.Visit the project homepage for further information on how to use the package.


To can install the zim_places open shell or terminal and run:

pip install zim-places


Get all wards:

from zim_places import wards

Get all districts:

from zim_places import districts

Get all cities:

from zim_places import cities

Get all provinces:

from zim_places import provinces
from zim_places import *
import json

# Get the data as json

# Get the data as a list of dictionaries, remember you can customize the list to suit your need
data = json.loads(get_wards())
list_of_wards = [{i['Ward'] + ' ' + i['Province_OR_District']} for i in data.values()]

data = json.loads(get_districts())
list_of_districts = [{i['District'] + ' ' + i['Province']} for i in data.values()]

data = json.loads(get_provinces())
list_of_provinces = [{i['Province'] + ' ' + i['Capital'] + i['Area(km2)'] + i['Population(2012 census)']} for i in data.values()]

data = json.loads(get_cities())
list_of_cities = [{i['City'] + ' ' + i['Province']} for i in data.values()]


The project is licensed under the MIT license.

I'm a junior developer with 1 year working experience.I mainly work with Java,Springboot,Angular,PHP Laravel + Livewire,Python and Streamlit
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