An Optical Character Recognition system using Pytesseract/Extracting data from Blood Pressure Reports.



An Optical Character Recognition system using Pytesseract/Extracting data from Blood Pressure Reports.

As an IOT/Computer Visions Intern at the Graduate Rotational Internship program (GRIP) by The Sparks Foundation (TSF), the first task is to implement a character detector which extracts printed or handwritten text from an image/video.

For more learning purposes, I've utilized this feature in cleaning/extracting valuable information from Blood Pressure Reports as images.



  • tesseract-ocr package
  • pytesseract 0.3.8
  • Open-cv
  • Pandas

    Using the pytesseract open source library to detect text on image/video.

    Open-cv for Image Processing

    Pandas for data manipulation

  • Owner
    Ramsis Hammadi
    Ramsis Hammadi

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