🤖🤖 Jarvis is an virtual assistant which can some tasks easy for you like surfing on web opening an app and much more... 🤖🤖

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🤖 🤖 Jarvis is an virtual assistant which can some tasks easy for you like surfing on web opening an app and much more... 🤖 🤖

Developer : suraj sharma

Project name :

Jarvis an virtual Assistant ( Beta version )

How To Use :

Make sure you have good internet conection

[ step 1 ] now open command prompt and type pip install -r requirements.txt and press enter

[ step 2 ] in command prompt only. Type pip install pipwin and press enter

[ step 3 ] in command prompt only. Type pipwin install speech_recognition and press enter

[ step 4 ] in command prompt only. Type python3 jarvis.py and press enter

This instrunctions will run jarvis for you :)


[ command ] say hello to jarvis

[ command ] say how are you to jarvis

[ command ] say what can you do jarvis

[ command ] say what is the time jarvis

[ command ] say open chrome jarvis

[ command ] say open youtube jarvis

[ command ] say search (what you want to search)

[ command ] say what is the time jarvis

[ command ] say tell me my system information jarvis

[ command ] say about (anything you want to know), for example : about india jarvis.

[ command ] execute (any command you want to execute), for example : excecute ping googgle.com jarvis

[ command ] sleep for (n) seconds jarvis, for example : sleep for 10 seconds jarvis

[ command ] say bye jarvis

================ Thanks for using ================

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