Keeper for Ricochet Protocol, implemented with Apache Airflow


Ricochet Keeper

This repository contains Apache Airflow DAGs for executing keeper operations for Ricochet Exchange.


You will need to run this using Docker and Docker Compose.

docker-compose up

ℹ️ This will take a while the first time you do it ⚠️ You may need to increase your Docker memory to > 4GB, default is 2GB


After starting up Airflow, navigate to Admin > Connections and setup the following:

  • A HTTP connection called infura with the connection's Extra as:
"http_endpoint_uri": "YOUR_INFURA_HTTP_URI",
"wss_endpoint_uri": "YOUR_INFURA_WSS_URI"
  • Navigate to Admin > Variables and add the following:
    • distributor-address - the address used for executing distribute transactions
    • harvester-address - the address used for executing harvest transactions
    • reporter-address - the address used for reporting to Tellor
    • closer-address - the address used for closing streams
    • ricochet-exchange-addresses - add these addresses to value field:
    [ "0xeb367F6a0DDd531666D778BC096d212a235a6f78", "0x27C7D067A0C143990EC6ed2772E7136Cfcfaecd6", "0x5786D3754443C0D3D1DdEA5bB550ccc476FdF11D", "0xe0A0ec8dee2f73943A6b731a2e11484916f45D44", "0x8082Ab2f4E220dAd92689F3682F3e7a42b206B42", "0x3941e2E89f7047E0AC7B9CcE18fBe90927a32100", "0x71f649EB05AA48cF8d92328D1C486B7d9fDbfF6b", "0x47de4Fd666373Ca4A793e2E0e7F995Ea7D3c9A29", "0x94e5b18309066dd1E5aE97628afC9d4d7EB58161", "0xdc19ed26aD3a544e729B72B50b518a231cBAD9Ab", "0xC89583Fa7B84d81FE54c1339ce3fEb10De8B4C96", "0x9BEf427fa1fF5269b824eeD9415F7622b81244f5", "0x0A70Fbb45bc8c70fb94d8678b92686Bb69dEA3c3", "0x93D2d0812C9856141B080e9Ef6E97c7A7b342d7F", "0xE093D8A4269CE5C91cD9389A0646bAdAB2c8D9A3", "0xA152715dF800dB5926598917A6eF3702308bcB7e", "0x250efbB94De68dD165bD6c98e804E08153Eb91c6", "0x98d463A3F29F259E67176482eB15107F364c7E18" ]
    • ricochet-lp-addresses - the addresses of markets with harvest methods
    [ "0x0cb9cd99dbC614d9a0B31c9014185DfbBe392eb5"]
    • tellor-assets - the mapping of Coingecko token names and their Tellor request ID
      "ethereum": 1,
      "wrapped-bitcoin": 60,
      "maker": 5,
      "matic-network": 6,
      "idle": 79
  • Create an HTTP for each of the public addresses you used in the previous step:
    • Set the name this connection as the public address
    • Set the Login to the public address
    • Set the Password to the private key for the public address


Run the keeper using Docker Compose

docker-compose up

Airflow runs on port 80 so navigate to http://localhost to access the UI. Once things have booted up, log in with username airflow and password airflow.

Run as daemon


docker-compose up -d
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