A python package for batch import of resume attachments to be parsed in HrFlow.



HrFlow Importer


A python package for batch import of resume attachments to be parsed in HrFlow.

hrflow-importer is an open-source project created by HrFlow.ai to seamlessly import resume attachments from local folder into HrFlow.

🪄 Quickstart

What I can do?

With Hrflow Importer, you can import a batch of resume attachments in a local directory into HrFlow.ai to be parsed, using a command line directly from your terminal.

How to use HrFlow Importer ?


  1. Set up a virtualenv. You can use [virtualenv](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html)
pip install virtualenv # if not installed
virtualenv .venv # make sure you use python >3.6 before running this command
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. pip install hrflow-importer
  2. setup your .env file. You can do this by running command:
cat env.example >> .env 

And then fill the values in the .env file accordingly. Or simply : `

  • data
    • files
    • failures `
export STORAGE_DIRECTORY_PATH=/absolute/path/to/data/directory
  1. Run the command

and fill the prompted values.

🐇 TADA! You should see a progress bar for the upload.

🚀 Environment

To find the list of dependencies, you can look at the pyproject.toml file

👩‍💻 Contributions

Please feel free to contribute to the quality of this content by submitting PRs for improvements to code, architecture, etc.

Any contributions you make to this effort are of course greatly appreciated.

👉 To find out more about how to proceed, the rules and conventions to follow, read carefully CONTRIBUTING.md.

🔗 Resources

📃 License

See the LICENSE file for licensing information.

⚙️ Develop HrFlow Importer :

  • git clone [email protected]:Riminder/hrflow-importer.git
  • switch to python >3.6 (i recommend using pyenv as python version manager) pyenv shell 3.6.12
  • install poetry if not installed (link)
  • I recommend installing the virtual env inside the project directory : poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
  • Install the virtual env : poetry install and launch it using : poetry shell
HrFlow.ai (ex: Riminder.net)
Solving unemployment with breakthrough Artificial Intelligence.
HrFlow.ai (ex: Riminder.net)
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