Lightweight Machine Learning Experiment Logging ๐Ÿ“–


A Lightweight Logger for ML Experiments ๐Ÿ“–

Pyversions PyPI version Code style: black Colab

Simple logging of statistics, model checkpoints, plots and other objects for your Machine Learning Experiments (MLE). Furthermore, the MLELogger comes with smooth multi-seed result aggregation and combination of multi-configuration runs. For a quickstart checkout the notebook blog ๐Ÿš€

The API ๐ŸŽฎ

from mle_logging import MLELogger

# Instantiate logging to experiment_dir
log = MLELogger(time_to_track=['num_updates', 'num_epochs'],
                what_to_track=['train_loss', 'test_loss'],

time_tic = {'num_updates': 10, 'num_epochs': 1}
stats_tic = {'train_loss': 0.1234, 'test_loss': 0.1235}

# Update the log with collected data & save it to .hdf5
log.update(time_tic, stats_tic)

You can also log model checkpoints, matplotlib figures and other .pkl compatible objects.

# Save a model (torch, tensorflow, sklearn, jax, numpy)
import torchvision.models as models
model = models.resnet18()

# Save a matplotlib figure as .png
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# You can also save (somewhat) arbitrary objects .pkl
some_dict = {"hi" : "there"}

Or do everything in a single line...

log.update(time_tic, stats_tic, model, fig, extra, save=True)

File Structure & Re-Loading ๐Ÿ“š

The MLELogger will create a nested directory, which looks as follows:

โ”œโ”€โ”€ extra: Stores saved .pkl object files
โ”œโ”€โ”€ figures: Stores saved .png figures
โ”œโ”€โ”€ logs: Stores .hdf5 log files (meta, stats, time)
โ”œโ”€โ”€ models: Stores different model checkpoints
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ final: Stores most recent checkpoint
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ every_k: Stores every k-th checkpoint provided in update
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ top_k: Stores portfolio of top-k checkpoints based on performance
โ”œโ”€โ”€ tboards: Stores tensorboards for model checkpointing
โ”œโ”€โ”€ .json: Copy of configuration file (if provided)

For visualization and post-processing load the results via

>> log_out.meta.keys() # odict_keys(['experiment_dir', 'extra_storage_paths', 'fig_storage_paths', 'log_paths', 'model_ckpt', 'model_type']) # >>> log_out.stats.keys() # odict_keys(['test_loss', 'train_loss']) # >>> log_out.time.keys() # odict_keys(['time', 'num_epochs', 'num_updates', 'time_elapsed']) ">
from mle_logging import load_log
log_out = load_log("experiment_dir/")

# The results can be accessed via meta, stats and time keys
# >>> log_out.meta.keys()
# odict_keys(['experiment_dir', 'extra_storage_paths', 'fig_storage_paths', 'log_paths', 'model_ckpt', 'model_type'])
# >>> log_out.stats.keys()
# odict_keys(['test_loss', 'train_loss'])
# >>> log_out.time.keys()
# odict_keys(['time', 'num_epochs', 'num_updates', 'time_elapsed'])

If an experiment was aborted, you can reload and continue the previous run via the reload=True option:

log = MLELogger(time_to_track=['num_updates', 'num_epochs'],
                what_to_track=['train_loss', 'test_loss'],

Installation โณ

A PyPI installation is available via:

pip install mle-logging

Alternatively, you can clone this repository and afterwards 'manually' install it:

git clone
cd mle-logging
pip install -e .

Advanced Options ๐Ÿšด

Merging Multiple Logs ๐Ÿ‘ซ

Merging Multiple Random Seeds ๐ŸŒฑ + ๐ŸŒฑ

>> log.eval_ids # ['seed_1', 'seed_2'] ">
from mle_logging import merge_seed_logs
merge_seed_logs("multi_seed.hdf", "experiment_dir/")
log_out = load_log("experiment_dir/")
# >>> log.eval_ids
# ['seed_1', 'seed_2']

Merging Multiple Configurations ๐Ÿ”– + ๐Ÿ”–

>> log.eval_ids # ['config_2', 'config_1'] # >>> meta_log.config_1.stats.test_loss.keys() # odict_keys(['mean', 'std', 'p50', 'p10', 'p25', 'p75', 'p90'])) ">
from mle_logging import merge_config_logs, load_meta_log
                  all_run_ids=["config_1", "config_2"])
meta_log = load_meta_log("multi_config_dir/meta_log.hdf5")
# >>> log.eval_ids
# ['config_2', 'config_1']
# >>> meta_log.config_1.stats.test_loss.keys()
# odict_keys(['mean', 'std', 'p50', 'p10', 'p25', 'p75', 'p90']))

Plotting of Logs ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽจ

meta_log = load_meta_log("multi_config_dir/meta_log.hdf5")
meta_log.plot("train_loss", "num_updates")

Storing Checkpoint Portfolios ๐Ÿ“‚

Logging every k-th checkpoint update โ— โฉ ... โฉ โ—

# Save every second checkpoint provided in log.update (stored in models/every_k)
log = MLELogger(time_to_track=['num_updates', 'num_epochs'],
                what_to_track=['train_loss', 'test_loss'],

Logging top-k checkpoints based on metric ๐Ÿ”ฑ

# Save top-3 checkpoints provided in log.update (stored in models/top_k)
# Based on minimizing the test_loss metric
log = MLELogger(time_to_track=['num_updates', 'num_epochs'],
                what_to_track=['train_loss', 'test_loss'],

Development & Milestones for Next Release

You can run the test suite via python -m pytest -vv tests/. If you find a bug or are missing your favourite feature, feel free to contact me @RobertTLange or create an issue ๐Ÿค— . Here are some features I want to implement for the next release:

  • Add a progress bar if total number of updates is specified
  • Add Weights and Biases Backend Support
  • Extend Tensorboard logging (for JAX/TF models)
  • Make `pickle5` requirement Python version dependent

    Make `pickle5` requirement Python version dependent

    The pickle5 dependency forces python < 3.8. If I understand it correctly, pickle5 is only there to backport pickle features that were added with Python 3.8, right? I modified the dependency to only apply for Python < 3.8. With this I was able to install mle-logging in my Python 3.9 environment.

    I also modified the only place where pickle5 was used. Didn't test anything, I was hoping this PR would trigger some tests to make sure I didn't break anything (didn't want to install all those test dependencies locally :P).

    opened by denisalevi 2
  • Missing sample json config files break colab demo

    Missing sample json config files break colab demo


    Just read your blogpost and ~50% of the way through the colab demo, and I have to say that so far it looks like this project has the potential to be profoundly clarifying in how it simplifies & abstracts various pieces of key experiment logic that otherwise suffers from unnecessary complexity. As a PhD student who has had to refactor my whole experimental configuration workflow more times than I would like to admit to even myself, I'm super excited to try out your logger!

    I'd also like to commend you for how to-the-point your choice of explanatory examples were for the blogpost. Too many frameworks fill their docs with a bunch of overly-simplistic toy problems and fail to bridge the gap between these and a real experimental situation (e.g. the elegant layout of your multi-seed, multi-config experiment

    That said, my experience working through your demo was interrupted once I reached the section "Log Different Random Seeds for Same Configuration". It seems this code cell references a file called "config_1.json", which doesnt exist. While I'm sure I could figure out a simple json file with 1-2 example items, this kind of guesswork distracts immensely from the otherwise very elegant flow from simple to complex that you've set up. I also assume your target audience stretches further than experienced coders, so providing a simple demo config file to reduce the time from reading->coding seems worthwhile.

    tldr; the colab needs 1-2 demo config json files

    opened by JacobARose 1
  • Add `wandb` support

    Add `wandb` support

    I want to add a weights&biases backend which performs automatic grouping across seeds/search experiments. The credentials can be passed as options at initialization of MLELogger and a WandbLogger object has to be added.

    When calling log.update this will then automatically forward all info with correct grouping by project/search/config/seed to W&B.

    Think about how to integrate gradients/weights from flax/jax models in a natural way (tree flattening?).

    opened by RobertTLange 0
  • Merge `experiment_dir` for different seeds into single one

    Merge `experiment_dir` for different seeds into single one

    I would like to have utilities for merging two experiments which are identical except for the seed_id they used (probably only for the multiple-configs case). Steps should include something like this:

      1. Check that experiments are actually identical.
      1. Identify different seeds.
      1. Create new results directory.
      1. Copy over extra/, figures/ for different seeds.
      1. Open both logs (for all configs) and combine them.
      1. Clean-up old directories for different experiments.
    opened by RobertTLange 0
  • [Bug]

    [Bug] "OSError: Can't write data" if `what_to_track` has certain Types

    Code to recreate:

    from mle_logging import MLELogger
    # Instantiate logging to experiment_dir
    log = MLELogger(time_to_track=['num_updates', 'num_epochs'],
                    what_to_track=['train_loss', 'test_loss'],
                    config_dict={"train_config": {"lrate": 0.01}},
    # Save some time series statistics
    time_tic = {'num_updates': 10, 'num_epochs': 1}
    stats_tic = {'train_loss': 1, 'test_loss': 1}
    # Update the log with collected data & save it to .hdf5
    log.update(time_tic, stats_tic)

    Output from the console:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 19, in <module>
      File "/home/luc/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mle_logging/", line 417, in save
      File "/home/luc/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mle_logging/", line 74, in write_to_hdf5
      File "/home/luc/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 149, in create_dataset
        dsid = dataset.make_new_dset(group, shape, dtype, data, name, **kwds)
      File "/home/luc/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 143, in make_new_dset
        dset_id.write(h5s.ALL, h5s.ALL, data)
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/h5d.pyx", line 232, in h5py.h5d.DatasetID.write
      File "h5py/_proxy.pyx", line 114, in h5py._proxy.dset_rw
    OSError: Can't write data (no appropriate function for conversion path)

    The above code is essentially the Getting Started code with the what_to_track Float values swapped out for Ints. If only 1 of the Floats is swapped for an Int, it still works (I guess it casts the Int to a Float?). I also found the same issue if the what_to_track values are Floats from a DeviceArray.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions!

    opened by DiamonDiva 0
  • v0.0.4(Dec 7, 2021)

    • [x] Add plot details (title, labels) to meta_log.plot()
    • [x] Get rid of time string in sub directories
    • [x] Make log merging more robust
    • [x] Small fixes for mle-monitor release
    • [x] Fix overwrite and make verbose warning
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.3(Sep 11, 2021)

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Mini-release getting rid of small bugs and adding functionality (๐Ÿ› & ๐Ÿ“ˆ ) :

    1. Add function to store initial model checkpoint for post-processing via log.save_init_model(model).

    2. Fix byte decoding for strings stored as arrays in .hdf5 log file. Previously this only worked for multi seed/config settings.

    3. MLELogger got a new optional argument: config_dict, which allows you to provide a (nested) configuration of your experiment. It will be stored as a .yaml file if you don't provide a path to an alternative configuration file. The file can either be a .json or a .yaml:

    log = MLELogger(time_to_track=['num_updates', 'num_epochs'],
                    what_to_track=['train_loss', 'test_loss'],
                    config_dict={"train_config": {"lrate": 0.01}},
    1. The config_dict/ loaded config_fname data will be stored in the meta data of the loaded log and can be easily retrieved:
    log = load_log("experiment_dir/")
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.1(Aug 18, 2021)

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