This repository attempts to replicate the SqueezeNet architecture and implement the same on an image classification task.



This repository attempts to replicate the SqueezeNet architecture using TensorFlow discussed in the research paper: "SqueezeNet: AlexNet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and <0.5MB model size".

The paper can be read here.

The official implementation of this paper can be found here.


1. tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 ( Does not work with Tensorflow 2.x)
2. sklearn
3. opencv-python
4. numpy
5. Python 3.x ( Specifically not python 3.8, anything else works)

Architecture Implemented

  1. Fire Module

  1. SqueezeNet Module


The data used for this implementation was picked up from the Kaggle Dataset - Soil Types

  • Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone
  • Step 2: Install necessary libraries as discussed in Requirements section
  • Step 3: Within, change your path for data at line 31
Change this line 
base_dir = '/content/gdrive/MyDrive/SqueezeNet/data/'
  • Step 4: In your command prompt, run the file to train the model

Additional Information

  • This repository attempts to replicate the architecture only. Performance may vary based on parameters implemented. Can change the same and experiment using the module.
  • A sample usage of this can be found in the Notebook here.
Rohan Mathur
4th Year Undergrad | Data Science Enthusiast
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