#DNS #Python #Codenewbies
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#DNS #Python #Codenewbies
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WELCOME TO LAYLA Layla is a python script that automatically performs recon on a
CVE-2021-21985 CVE-2021-21985 EXP 本文以及工具仅限技术分享,严禁用于非法用途,否则产生的一切后果自行承担。 0x01 利用Tomcat RMI RCE 1. VPS启动JNDI监听 1099 端口 rmi需要bypass高版本jdk java -jar JNDIIn
Ox4Shell Deobfuscate Log4Shell payloads with ease. Description Since the release
GriefBuddy This script searches Shodan for Minecraft server IPs to grief. This will return all servers connected to the public internet which Shodan h
NS-LOOKUP A python script for scanning website for getting ip address of a websi
Vulmap 是一款 web 漏洞扫描和验证工具, 可对 webapps 进行漏洞扫描, 并且具备漏洞利用功能
DoSer.py - Simple DoSer in Python What is DoSer? DoSer is basically an HTTP Denial of Service attack that affects threaded servers. It works like this
😭 WSOB (CVE-2022-29464) 😭 WSOB is a python tool created to exploit the new vulnerability on WSO2 assigned as CVE-2022-29464. CVE-2022-29464 details:
Discord-Ban-Immunity Discord exploit allowing you to be unbannable. 9/3/2021 Found in late August. Found by Passive and Me. Explanation If a user gets
springcore-0day-en These are all my notes from the alleged confirmed! 0day dropped on 2022-03-29. This vulnerability is commonly referred to as "Sprin
GreedyBear The project goal is to extract data of the attacks detected by a TPOT or a cluster of them and to generate some feeds that can be used to p
RTTI parser Parses RTTI information from executable. Example HexRays decompiler view Before: After: Functions window Before: After: Structs window Ins
Snake Map Extensive Python3 network scanner, simplified. _,.--. --..,_ .'`__ o `;__, `'.'. .'.'` '---'` '
About POC of an offline server for IDA Lumina feature.
ipobfuscator How it works? Single ip address can be written in multiple ways. The most popular way is to represent ip as 4 octets separated with dots.
Log4Scan A simple automatic tool for finding vulnerable log4j hosts Installation pip3 install -r requirements.txt Usage usage: log4scan.py [-h] (-f FI
This repository will contain python scripts for hackers and pentesters. stop being limited with availble tools. Build your own.
Python3 code to exploit CVE-2021-4034 (PWNKIT). This was an exercise in "can I make this work in Python?", and not meant as a robust exploit. It Works
EyeJo EyeJo是一款自动化资产风险评估平台,可以协助甲方安全人员或乙方安全人员对授权的资产中进行排查,快速发现存在的薄弱点和攻击面。 免责声明 本平台集成了大量的互联网公开工具,主要是方便安全人员整理、排查资产、安全测试等,切勿用于非法用途。使用者存在危害网络安全等任何非法行为,后果自负,作
dcpwn an impacket-dependent script exploiting CVE-2019-1040, with code partly borrowed from those security researchers that I'd like to say thanks to.