PySOT - SenseTime Research platform for single object tracking, implementing algorithms like SiamRPN and SiamMask.



PySOT is a software system designed by SenseTime Video Intelligence Research team. It implements state-of-the-art single object tracking algorithms, including SiamRPN and SiamMask. It is written in Python and powered by the PyTorch deep learning framework. This project also contains a Python port of toolkit for evaluating trackers.

PySOT has enabled research projects, including: SiamRPNDaSiamRPNSiamRPN++, and SiamMask.

Example SiamFC, SiamRPN and SiamMask outputs.


The goal of PySOT is to provide a high-quality, high-performance codebase for visual tracking research. It is designed to be flexible in order to support rapid implementation and evaluation of novel research. PySOT includes implementations of the following visual tracking algorithms:

using the following backbone network architectures:

Additional backbone architectures may be easily implemented. For more details about these models, please see References below.

Evaluation toolkit can support the following datasets:

πŸ“Ž OTB2015 πŸ“Ž VOT16/18/19 πŸ“Ž VOT18-LT πŸ“Ž LaSOT πŸ“Ž UAV123

Model Zoo and Baselines

We provide a large set of baseline results and trained models available for download in the PySOT Model Zoo.


Please find installation instructions for PyTorch and PySOT in

Quick Start: Using PySOT


export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/pysot:$PYTHONPATH

Download models

Download models in PySOT Model Zoo and put the model.pth in the correct directory in experiments

Webcam demo

python tools/ \
    --config experiments/siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr/config.yaml \
    --snapshot experiments/siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr/model.pth
    # --video demo/bag.avi # (in case you don't have webcam)

Download testing datasets

Download datasets and put them into testing_dataset directory. Jsons of commonly used datasets can be downloaded from Google Drive or BaiduYun. If you want to test tracker on new dataset, please refer to pysot-toolkit to setting testing_dataset.

Test tracker

cd experiments/siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr
python -u ../../tools/ 	\
	--snapshot model.pth 	\ # model path
	--dataset VOT2018 	\ # dataset name
	--config config.yaml	  # config file

The testing results will in the current directory(results/dataset/model_name/)

Eval tracker

assume still in experiments/siamrpn_r50_l234_dwxcorr_8gpu

python ../../tools/ 	 \
	--tracker_path ./results \ # result path
	--dataset VOT2018        \ # dataset name
	--num 1 		 \ # number thread to eval
	--tracker_prefix 'model'   # tracker_name

Training πŸ”§

See for detailed instruction.

Getting Help πŸ”¨

If you meet problem, try searching our GitHub issues first. We intend the issues page to be a forum in which the community collectively troubleshoots problems. But please do not post duplicate issues. If you have similar issue that has been closed, you can reopen it.

  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pysot'

🎯 Solution: Run export PYTHONPATH=path/to/pysot first before you run the code.

  • ImportError: cannot import name region

🎯 Solution: Build region by python build_ext β€”-inplace as decribled in




PySOT is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

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