Zero2 Discord bot is written with using Python.


Zero2 Discord Bot

Zero2 Bot

Discord Bot using


Zero2 Discord bot is written with using Python. This Bot's role is to perform fun, search engines, miscellaneous, fun, and games command. This Discord bot is developed mostly for educational purposes and personal uses.



*join: to join voice channel

*leave: to leave voice channel

*play : to play song on the channel (requirements : Name of the Song)

*queue : to view all the Songs in Queue

*search : to get top five results from youtube for given song (requirements: Name of the Song)

*skip : to skip currently playing song

Search Engine

*wiki : to get top wikipedia articles of the given topic (requirement: Topic)

*gsearch : to get top google searchs of the given topic (requirement: Topic)

*gmeaning : to get noun and verb meanings of the word (requirements : Word)

*gimage : to get relative images for the searhed entry


*spam : to spam someone's for n times (requirements: Mention)

*avatar : to view someone's Profile Picture (requirements: Mention)


*8ball : to get random yes/no reply for the question (requirements: Question)

Under Construction 🦺 🧱

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