Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py



Scratch2py or S2py is a easy to use, versatile tool to communicate with the Scratch API Based of Scratch2py


Run this command in your terminal as ONE command.

pip install scratch2py && pip install --force-reinstall websocket-client


Import scratch2py in like this:

from scratch2py import Scratch2Py
s2py = Scratch2Py('username', 'password')
# Imports s2py and initializes a new s2py object. Enter your Scratch MIT credentials to create a connection with the API.

user class

user = s2py.user('username')
# Checks if a user exists. Returns true or false
# Gets the number of messages someone has.
# Gets your messages and returns the JSON.
# Gets the 'about me' section of a users.
# Gets the 'What I'm Working On' section of a users profile.
# Gets the projects that a user has.

userSession class

user = s2py.userSession('username')
# Creates a userSession class.
# Follows the user mentioned in the userSession constructor.
# Unfollows the user mentioned in the userSession constructor.
# Toggles commenting on your profile (On/Off)
user.postComment('text','parent_id (OPTIONAL', 'commentee_id (OPTIONAL)'))
# Posts a comment on the users profile

studioSession class

studio = s2py.studioSession('sid')

# Invites a curator to a studio
# Adds a project to a studio
studio.postComment('Text', 'parentid', 'commentee_id')

# Gets the comments from a studio
# Follows a studio
# Unfollows a studio

project class

project = s2py.project('id')

# Gets the stats of a project
# Gets the comments of a project
# Gets the info of a project
# Fetches assets of a project. Type is img by default, can be img or snd. snd will fetch sound files from the project.

projectSession class

project = s2py.projectSession('id')
# Starts a project session to the specific project

# Shares a project
# Unshares a project
# Favorites a project
# Unfavorites a project
# Loves a project
# Unloves a project

scratchConnect Class

Using the module for cloud on scratch.

cloudproject = s2py.scratchConnect('Project_Id')
# Creates a new connection to a Scratch project.
cloudproject.setCloudVar('CloudVar', 'Value')
# Sets a value to a cloud variable. Don't add the cloud symbol.
cloudproject.readCloudVar('variable name', 'Limit(optional)')
# Gets the value of a cloud variable. Limit is when the program should stop looking for the value. Limit is 1000 by default.

turbowarpConnect class

turbowarp = s2py.turbowarpConnect('project_id')
#  Creates a new connection to a Turbowarp project.
turbowarp.setCloudVar('CloudVar', 'Value')
# Sets a value to a cloud variable. Don't add the cloud symbol.
turbowarp.readTurbowarpVar('variable name')
# Gets the value of a cloud variable. 

cloudDatabase class

db = s2py.cloudDatabase('Project id')
# Creates a new database that will detect messages on a certain project id
# Starts a new loop for the database. 

Refer here for more info

Encode/decode functions

# Encodes a value. Scratch version available on my Scratch profile
# Decodes a value. To be used to communicate to and from a Scratch project.

The End

That's it! Contact my on my Scratch profile

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