theHasher Tool created for generate strong and unbreakable passwords by using Hash Functions.Generate Hashes and store them in txt files.Use the txt files as lists to execute Brute Force Attacks!



theHasher is a Tool for generating hashes using some of the most Famous Hashes Functions ever created.

You can save your hashes to corresponding txt file of each hash function you use.

This tool is useful for creating strong and unbreakable passwords.Use the hash as your password so anyone can not read your password! Stay in Anonymity..

Recommended hash function : sha256 || sha3_256

Important! Execute Brute Force attacks




[1] Cryptographic hash Functions : md5,sha1,sha256,sha3_256.

[2] Save the hashes. Each hash function has a unique txt file.

[3] Execute brute force attacks.List of hashes = txt file. (The files are given Empty.)

! This Tool created for Educational and Ethical purposes. !

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