Simple Python Library to display text with color in Python Terminal


pyTextColor v1.0


pyTextColor is a simple Python Library to display colorful outputs in Terminal, etc.

Note: Your Terminal or any software in which you are going to print a text should support the ANSI Escape Sequences or it may not work!


To install this library, type pip install pyTextColor in the Terminal(command prompt)


To import the library, use the following code:

import pyTextColor

Print Basic Colored Output

See the following program to print a colorful text in Python!

import pyTextColor  # Import the library

pytext = pyTextColor.pyTextColor()  # Create an object of the pyTextColor class

text = pytext.format_text(text="Hi!", color="white",
                          bgcolor="black")  # Format the text with the color/bgcolor of your choice

print(text)  # Print the text

The above program will give the output as:

Image 1

You can also change the style/color/background of the text!

Following is a list of all color names you can use for both background and text:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

Note: You can also use HEX color values to color a text or background. Remember: HEX color values should have '#' before the main color value

Example Code:

import pyTextColor

pytext = pyTextColor.pyTextColor()

text = pytext.format_text(text="This text will be printed out in yellow color with red background", color="#ff0000",
                          bgcolor="#FFFF00")  # HEX values

print(text)  # Print the text

The output of the above code will be:

Image 2

Text Styles

There are many text styles you can use. Use the text_style parameter to change the text style. Example code:

import pyTextColor

pytext = pyTextColor.pyTextColor()

text = pytext.format_text(text="I am bold text", color="#ff0000",
                          bgcolor="#FFFF00", text_style="bold")  # bold text

print(text)  # Print the text

The output of the above program will be:

Image 3

There are many text styles you can use! See the list of available styles:

  • normal > for normal text
  • bold > for bold text
  • faint > for faint text
  • italic > for italic text
  • underline > for underlined text
  • blink > for blinking text
  • reverse > for reversed text. The color of the text will be changed to background color while the background color will be changed to text color
  • hidden > for hidden text
  • strikethrough > for strikethrough text

Print the documentation

To pretty print the documentation for this library, run the following code:

import pyTextColor

pytext = pyTextColor.pyTextColor()
pytext.pretty_print_help()  # Print the docs

The output will be:

Image 4

Parameters of the format_text() function

The format_text() function has many parameters such as:

  • text > The text you want
  • color > The color you want
  • bgcolor > The background color you want
  • text_style > The text style you want
  • bg_full_line > Set this to True if you want the background color to be printed on full line

Make output fully customised?

See the following program to make the output fully customized:

import pyTextColor

pytext = pyTextColor.pyTextColor()

color = pytext.color  # Color Function
style =  # Style Function
bg = pytext.background  # Background Function
reset = pytext.reset  # Reset Function (To reset all styles/colors/etc.)

name = "Siddhesh"
age = 15
hobby = "programming"

text = f"""{bg("black")}{color("#ffffff")}Hi! I am {color("magenta")}{name}{color("#ffffff")}. I am {color("magenta")}{age}{color("#ffffff")} years old. My favourite hobby is {color("green")}{style("italic")}{hobby}{reset()}"""  # Make an f-string and edit the text

print(text)  # Print the output

The output will be:

Image 5

Remember to use the reset() function or the normal text will be printed out with styles when you print a text below the styled text.

Thank you!

Siddhesh Chavan
I am a 15 year old boy who loves coding!
Siddhesh Chavan
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