Pagination for your bot using the discord_components library!


Paginator - discord_components

This repository is just an example code for how to carry out pagination using the discord_components library for python. Its fairly easy, and once you get the hang of it you can modify it as per your choice :D The code contains an in-built timeout feature, where after 10 seconds of inactivity, the buttons are disabled automatically!


Pre Requisites

  • Basic knowledge of Python
  • Python 3.7+ installed on your computer
  • Discord Account


Simply install these by running pip install <library name> in your terminal

  • asyncio
  • discord_components


  1. Download the file
  2. Replace <TOKEN> with your bot's token
  3. Edit the embeds as necessary / add more
  4. Edit button styles if necessary
  5. Run it!

More To Know

  • Adding checks to the wait_for statement will allow you to restrict buttons usage for a single user
  • If you're gonna be using this in a case where multiple people might be using it at the same time, consider putting a check to get the message id ==

About Me

I'm Skull, Skull Crusher#9515 on Discord. I am a high schooler who likes coding :D

Skull Crusher
I'm a high schooler. More studies = less coding, but I try my best to code! For any help on discord bots DM - Skull Crusher#0003
Skull Crusher
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