A pyrogram simple bot for Educational purpose.
@PyrogramBot or on Documentation
To Learn More check atMandatory variables
- API_ID - Get It From my.telegram.org
- API_HASH - Get It From my.telegram.org
- BOT_TOKEN - Get It From @Botfather
This is a bot which is a ghost and you can make friends with it. It will haunt your friends. Explore and test the bot in replit !
A quick and dirty script to scan the network, find default credentials on services and post a message to a Slack channel with the results.
EmojiPlugin for the Modmail-bot My first plugin .. its very Basic I will make more and better too Only 3 commands for now emojiadd-supports .jpg, .png
pyDF-Bot 🌍 Pydf - Pyrogram Document File Bot, a modular Telegram Bot which prov
A Simple Browser Automated Bomber which uses selenium :D Star the Repo and Follo
get-acq 🏢 GET-ACQ is a python tool used to gather all companies acquired by a given company domain name. It is done by calling SecurityTrails API. Us
T-Pot 20.06 runs on Debian (Stable), is based heavily on docker, docker-compose
✨ LEC_Ditto ✨ I'm Ditto, and I'm a bot 🤖 . Getting Started | Installation | Usage Getting Started LEC_Ditto is a bot that tracks the follows and unfo
Unirest for Python Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages, built and maintained by Mashape, who also maintain
A simple Discord bot that notifies users of new Abitti versions. New features might be added later on. If you have good ideas, feel free to do a PR.
Twitter Developer Platform: Using Twitter APIs for Academic Research All the scripts require a config.ini file in which the keys are put. There is a t
gdrive-python gdrive-python is a wrapping module in python of gdrive made by @pr
git plan A better workflow for git. Git plan inverts the git workflow so that you can write your commit message first, before you start writing code.
Channel Auto Caption This bot can add a caption for any media/document sent to a channel. Just deploy bot and add bot as admin to a channel. Deploy to
AquaDLBot ➠ I Can Download And Upload files To Telegram DEMO Copyright (C) 2020-2026 by [ema
Tiktok Username Checker Fastest Tiktok Username checker on site
Юзер-Бот, що автоматизує репортування Телеграм каналів пропагандистів Цей Телеграм Юзер-Бот використовується для автоматизації репорту пропагандистьск
Getting started with the Twitter API v2 for academic research Welcome to this '101 course' on getting started with academic research using the Twitter
Information : Hello, thank you for reading this first of all. This is a Aula-API
Alter Token Generator Open Source Discord Account Creator This program abuses the discord api and uses the 2Captcha captcha solving service to make di