A step-by-step tutorial for how to work with some of the most basic features of Nav2 using a Jupyter Notebook in a warehouse environment to create a basic application.



This project has a step-by-step tutorial for how to work with some of the most basic features of Nav2 using a Jupyter Notebook in a warehouse environment to create a basic application. This is used by the 2021 ROS Developers Day talk by Steve Macenski.

This contains:

  • A Jupyter notebook with instructions for a Nav2 walkthrough of these features
  • Demo for running Nav2 in the AWS Warehouse World
  • Demo for running Nav2 on a non-TB3 industrial robot
  • Demo for Keepout Zones and Speed Restricted Zones
  • Demo code for working with Nav2 in python3 simple autonomy application

This demonstration is overall a reasonable baseline for how to work with Nav2 with a non-default setup (e.g. non-Turtlebot3 robot in a non-sandbox world) for first-time users.


To set this up on your own machine, please do the following:

# Create a workspace
mkdir -p colcon_ws/src
cd colcon_ws/src

# Get the demo code
git clone [email protected]:stevemacenski/nav2_rosdevday_2021.git

# Get the dependencies not shipped with Galactic at June 8, 2021.
vcs import . < nav2_rosdevday_2021/deps.repos
cd ../

# Install dependencies which are shipped with Galactic at June 8, 2021.
rosdep install --from-path src --ignore-src -r -y

# Build the workspace
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
colcon build

Running the demos

You can see step-by-steps in the main.ipynb file (which can be launched via jupyter-notebook main.ipynb). In general though after building the demos can be launched as (after setting the proper GAZEBO_MODEL_PATHs):

source colcon_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch nav2_rosdevday_2021 system_launch.py # launches simulation, rviz, nav2

source colcon_ws/install/setup.bash
python3 colcon_ws/src/nav2_rosdevday_2021/nav2_rosdevday_2021/scripts/{pick a demo}.py # launches autonomy or API demo

With demos being:

  • picking_demo.py
  • security_demo.py
  • inspection_demo.py
  • nav_to_pose_demo.py
  • nav_through_poses_demo.py
  • waypoint_follower_demo.py

The first 3 are example demo applications using Nav2 tools. The final 3 are full examples of using the robot_navigator.py file for python3-based Nav2-as-a-library. Each are well commented and self explanatory.

Steve Macenski
I make robots move, Open Source Robotics Lead.
Steve Macenski
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