“ HOLA HUMANS 👋 I'M DAISYX 2.0 ❤️ „ LATEST VERSION OF DAISYX.. Source Code of @Daisyxbot


❤️ DaisyX 2.0 ❤️

A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager
... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon...


⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Daisy, That is the greatest pleasure we have !


Avaiilable on Telegram as @DaisyXBot

🧙‍♀️ Deploy Guide

Complete guide on deploying @DaisyXBot's clone on Heroku.


🏃‍♂️ Easy Deploy


Generate String Session << Select telethon

❤️ Support

Self-hosting (For Devs)

# Install Git First (apt-instll git)
$ git clone https://github.com/TeamDaisyX/DaisyX
$ cd DaisyX
# Upgrade sources
$ bash deploy.sh
# Install All Requirements 
$ pip(3) install -r requirements.txt
# Rename ./DaisyX/data/bot_conf.yaml.example to bot_conf.yaml and fill
# Start Bot 
$ python(3) -m DaisyX

Mandatory Vars 📒

[+] Make Sure You Add All These Mandatory Vars. 
    [-] API_ID:   You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
    [-] API_HASH :   You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
    [-] STRINGSESSION : Your String Session, You can get this From Repl or BY running String_Gen File Locally
    [-] MONGO_URI : Your Mongo DB DataBase Url. .
    [-] TOKEN: Get from botfarther
    [-] DATABASE_URL: from elephantsql.com
    [-] OWNER_ID: ur id
    [-] MONGO_PORT: 27017
    [-] MONGO_DB': 'DaisyX'
    [-] REDIS_URI: from redislabs.com (remove port)
    [-] REDIS_PORT: At the end of uri
    [-] REDIS_PASS: pass
[+] The DaisyX won't run without setting the mandatory vars.

😍 Credits

Special Credits

The bot is based on the original work done by SophieBot and many other projects This repo was just revamped to suit an Anime-centric & comedy loving community. All original credits go to SophieBot and their dedication, Without his efforts, this fork would not have been possible!

All other credits mentioned on top of scripts

Anything missing kindly let us know at Daisy Support or simply submit a pull request on the readme.

Devs & Contributors








• Annihilatorrrr »»


All who helped at a glance

This project exists thanks to these awesome developers and their codes and contributions.

And credits goes to all who supported, all who helped and API & environmental equirement package devs and all projects helped in making this project. Special thanks to you for using bot

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  • v2.3.6(Apr 28, 2021)

    Major Update v2.3.6

    Released » @DaisyXBot v2.3.6-H3.0

    🙋‍♀️ WHAT'S NEW

    Admin tools: [+] /invitelink: Create invite links for your group [+] /kickme: Kicks you [+] /banme: bans you

    [+] /setdescription: Set group description [+] /setsticker: Set group sticker [+] /unmuteall: Unmute all muted members [+] /unbanall: Unban all banned members [+] /kickthefools: Kick inactive members from group (one week) [+] /users: Get users list of group [+] /lowpromote: Promote a member with low rights [+] /midpromote: Promote a member with mid rights [+] /highpromote: Promote a member with max rights [+] /lowdemote: Demote an admin to low permissions [+] /middemote: Demote an admin to mid permissions

    Stickers: [+] /sticker_id: Get id of a sticker

    Pinning: [+] /permapin [reply]: Pin a custom message through the bot [+] /unpinall: Unpins all pinned messages. [+] /antichannelpin [yes/no/on/off]: Don't let telegram auto-pin linked channels [+] /cleanlinked [yes/no/on/off]: Delete messages sent by the linked channel.

    Inline: [+] @DaisyXBot wiki [QUERY] : Search wikipedia [+] @DaisyXBot ping [QUERY] : Check ping rate of bot

    Restrictions: [+] /globalmode [ON/OFF]: Force Members to speak English [+] /profanity [ON/OFF]: Enable/Disable Slag word cleaning

    More tools: [+] /getqr: ReadQR [+] /makeqr: make QR [+] /cash: Cash converter [+] /namehistory: Check username history (Beta) [+] /send [MESSAGE]: Send given text by bot.

    Filters: [+] Added classic filters for those who aren't like /addfilter. Use/cfilterhelp to know more

    🐞 FIXED

    Most of the Daisy's bugs are fixed by now. If you found any bug Don't forget to let us know @DaisySupport_official [+] AI chat replies when edited message [+] /banme command not working error [+] Improved speed [+] /q , /quotly command Fixed [+] Locks module completely fixed [+] New and beautified Help menu [+] UI Improvements [+] /afk now recognize replies too (fixed not showing afk message if replied) [+] Music module bugs fixed [+] Added math module back [+] Completely fixed security issues [+] Fixed help menu of Filters module [+] Support Group button of pm menu will take you to support group now

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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The DaisyX dev team.. "Always open - Always yours"
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