HandTrackingBrightnessControl A hand tracking demo made with mediapipe where you can control lights with pinching your fingers and moving your hand up/down. Programs: Python3 - basic.py Arduino - 1_DisplayLight_SerialBrightness.ino - Neopixel demo Arduino - 1_SerialBrightness_PWM.ino - Regular LED demo Requirements: Python packages: Mediapipe (pip3 install mediapipe) CV2 (pip3 install opencv-python) pySerial (pip3 install pyserial) numpy (pip3 install numpy) Hardware: Webcam Arduino Neopixel LED-strip (unless you modify the code) Pinout (Neopixel): Arduino pin Where you connect it D2 LED Strip Din 5V +5V GND GND Pinout (Regular LED WITH A RESISTOR!): Arduino pin Where you connect it D3 +LED GND -LED