Python package to easily work with selenium and manage tabs effectively.

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Simple Selenium

The aim of this package is to quickly get started with working with selenium for simple browser automation tasks.


Install from PyPI

pip install simpleselenium


Some basic feature is being listed below.

  • easy management of different tabs
  • switching to a tab is super easy
  • know if a tab is active or alive
  • closing a tab is easy as browser.close_tab(tab_object)
  • Several (built-in) functions
    • tab.infinite_scroll()
    • tab.scroll()
    • tab.scroll_to_bottom()
    • tab.switch() to focus on tab i.e. make it the active tab
  • Can't find a way to use usual selenium methods? Use tab.driver object to access the browser/driver object and use accordingly


The best way to getting started with the package is to use the Browser object to start a browser and call open method off it which returns a Tab object.


import time  # just to slow down stuffs and see things for testing
from simpleselenium import Browser

chrome_driver = r"/path/to/chromedriver"

with Browser(name="Chrome", driver_path=chrome_driver, implicit_wait=10) as browser:
    google ="")
    yahoo ="")
    bing ="")
    duck_duck ="")

    print(yahoo)  # A Tab Object
    print(dir(yahoo))  # All methods and attributes of Tab Objects

    print(browser.get_all_tabs())  # List of tab objects

    print(browser.tabs)  # TabManager object
    print(dir(browser.tabs))  # All methods and attributes of TabManager Objects

    browser.close_tab(bing)  # close a browser tab

    print(browser.get_current_tab())  # current tab

    yahoo.switch()  # switch/focus/tap to/on `yahoo` tab



    print(google.driver)  # Usual selenium driver object which can be worked upon

    print(google.driver.title, google.title)

    print(bing.is_alive)  # False, it has been deleted.



  • Complete documentation
  • Test Code
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  • 0.1.0(Oct 27, 2021)

    First Release.

    • easy management of different tabs
    • switching to a tab is super easy
    • know if a tab is active or alive
    • closing a tab is easy as browser.close_tab(tab_object)
    • Several (built-in) functions
      • tab.infinite_scroll()
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      • tab.scroll_to_bottom()
      • tab.switch() to focus on tab i.e. make it the active tab
    • Can't find a way to use usual selenium methods? Use tab.driver object is access the browsr/driver and use accordingly
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    simpleselenium-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl(7.39 KB)
    simpleselenium-0.1.0.tar.gz(6.64 KB)
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