DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques


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forthebadge made-with-python GPLv3 license Open Source Love svg3

For educational purposes only.

DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques, based in France Only. The particularity of this program is its ability to find your targets e-mail adresses.

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DaProfiler allows you to create a profile on your target based in France only. The particularity of this program is its ability to find the e-mail addresses of a target via searches on Skype, Pinterest and tests of combining e-mail addresses followed by a check to know if the email address exists or not (Beware of false negatives, the results displayed do not necessarily relate to the target you are looking for if another person has the same name - first name). DaProfiler is also able to check the words of a an instagram bio to find interesting information such as : Email addresses, Paypal.me profiles,Sexual Orientation,City,School,Age,Ethnicity,Religions,Hobbies and more ...

Official website www.cnil.me/daprofiler/


Python 3.8 required

git clone https://github.com/TheRealDalunacrobate/DaProfiler.git
cd DaProfiler
pip install -r requirements.txt


profiler.py -n [NAME] -ln [LAST NAME] -l True -O txt_file.txt
(Target Name) (Target Last Name) (Enable Terminal Logging) (Output to txt_file.txt)


usage: profiler.py [-h] [-n NAME] [-l LOGGING] [-ln LASTNAME] [-O OUTPUT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Victim name
  -ln LASTNAME, --lastname LASTNAME
                        Last name of victim
  -u UPDATE, --update UPDATE
                        Update DaProfiler (Optional)


If you are not login to the hub and you search people, your search will be save to the hub. Please register to the hub and use -pp to push private your search.


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Source Service type Subscription Key in code
Leakcheck.net Breach Search Premium No
apilayer.net Phone infos Free (In code) Yes

Add your premium api keys :

  • Go to modules\api_modules then open your API module (ex Leakcheck), replace "YOUR_KEY" to your key, save and quit your text editor.


This branch of daprofiler is supporting the OSINT-HUB integration

create "./user/key.txt" with your osint-hub key inside see exemple.txt

Args Description Stable
-hubR,--hub-register Permit to register user in the hub true
-hubL,--hub-login Permet to login to the hub true
-hubU,--hub-username Set your username true
-hubP,--hub-password Set your password true
-hubS,--hub-search Also search on the hub true
-pp,--push-private Set your search in private true
-pg,--push-group Set your search in private true


Register to the hub

python profiler.py --hub-register True --hub-username rabbit --hub-password Aqwzsx1234

Search with hub research

python profiler.py -n amelie -ln delacroix --hub-search True

note that a public search use your participation coin :p

Hub info

Made by: Alice Snow
Possible to use a nodejs client to explore: Here
Website www.cnil.me is the official acces hub website

Admin can delete all your data just if he want ! no need reason !

educational propose only


Mail : [email protected].
Discord : Dalunacrobate#6166
Discord server : Here


All suggestions are welcome.

Code parts used under license and authors

New account ! I lost github.com/Dalunacrobate
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