Code for EMNLP 2021 paper: "Learning Implicit Sentiment in Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training"



Code for EMNLP2021 paper: "Learning Implicit Sentiment in Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training"


In this repository, we provide code for Superived ContrAstive Pre-Training (SCAPT) and aspect-aware fine-tuning, retrieved sentiment corpora from YELP/Amazon reviews, and SemEval2014 Restaurant/Laptop with addtional implicit_sentiment labeling.

SCAPT aims to tackle implicit sentiments expression in aspect-based sentiment analysis(ABSA). In our work, we define implicit sentiment as sentiment expressions that contain no polarity markers but still convey clear human-aware sentiment polarity.

Here are examples for explicit and implicit sentiment in ABSA:



SCAPT gives an aligned representation of sentiment expressions with the same sentiment label, which consists of three objectives:

  • Supervised Contrastive Learning (SCL)
  • Review Reconstruction (RR)
  • Masked Aspect Prediction (MAP)

Aspect-aware Fine-tuning

Sentiment representation and aspect-based representation are taken into account for sentiment prediction in aspect-aware fine-tuning.



  • cuda 11.0
  • python 3.7.9
    • lxml 4.6.2
    • numpy 1.19.2
    • pytorch 1.8.0
    • pyyaml 5.3.1
    • tqdm 4.55.0
    • transformers 4.2.2

Data Preparation & Preprocessing

For Pre-training

Retrieved sentiment corpora contain millions-level reviews, we provide download links for original corpora and preprocessed data. Download if you want to do pre-training and further use them:

File Google Drive Link Baidu Wangpan Link Baidu Wangpan Code link link q7fs link link i1da link link j9ce link link 3b8t

These pickle files can also be generated from json files by the preprocessing method:

bash --pretrain

For Fine-tuning

We have already combined the opinion term labeling to the original SemEval2014 datasets. For example:

    <sentence id="1634">
        <text>The food is uniformly exceptional, with a very capable kitchen which will proudly whip up whatever you feel like eating, whether it's on the menu or not.</text>
            <aspectTerm term="food" polarity="positive" from="4" to="8" implicit_sentiment="False" opinion_words="exceptional"/>
            <aspectTerm term="kitchen" polarity="positive" from="55" to="62" implicit_sentiment="False" opinion_words="capable"/>
            <aspectTerm term="menu" polarity="neutral" from="141" to="145" implicit_sentiment="True"/>
            <aspectCategory category="food" polarity="positive"/>

implicit_sentiment indicates whether it is an implicit sentiment expression and yield opinion_words if not implicit. The opinion_words lebaling is credited to TOWE.

Both original and extended fine-tuning data and preprocessed dumps are uploaded to this repository.

Consequently, the structure of your data directory should be:

├── Amazon
│   ├── amazon_laptops.json
│   └── amazon_laptops_preprocess_pretrain.pkl
├── laptops
│   ├── Laptops_Test_Gold_Implicit_Labeled_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   ├── Laptops_Test_Gold_Implicit_Labeled.xml
│   ├── Laptops_Test_Gold.xml
│   ├── Laptops_Train_v2_Implicit_Labeled_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   ├── Laptops_Train_v2_Implicit_Labeled.xml
│   └── Laptops_Train_v2.xml
├── MAMS
│   ├── test_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   ├── test.xml
│   ├── train_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   ├── train.xml
│   ├── val_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   └── val.xml
├── restaurants
│   ├── Restaurants_Test_Gold_Implicit_Labeled_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   ├── Restaurants_Test_Gold_Implicit_Labeled.xml
│   ├── Restaurants_Test_Gold.xml
│   ├── Restaurants_Train_v2_Implicit_Labeled_preprocess_finetune.pkl
│   ├── Restaurants_Train_v2_Implicit_Labeled.xml
│   └── Restaurants_Train_v2.xml
└── YELP
    ├── yelp_restaurants.json
    └── yelp_restaurants_preprocess_pretrain.pkl


The pre-training is conducted on multiple GPUs.

  • Pre-training [TransEnc|BERT] on [YELP|Amazon]:

    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=${THE_CARD_NUM_YOU_HAVE} --config config/[yelp|amazon]_[TransEnc|BERT]_pretrain.yml

Model checkpoints are saved in results.


  • Directly train [TransEnc|BERT] on [Restaurants|Laptops|MAMS] As [TransEncAsp|BERTAsp]:

    python --config config/[restaurants|laptops|mams]_[TransEnc|BERT]_finetune.yml
  • Fine-tune the pre-trained [TransEnc|BERT] on [Restaurants|Laptops|MAMS] As [TransEncAsp+SCAPT|BERTAsp+SCAPT]:

    python --config config/[restaurants|laptops|mams]_[TransEnc|BERT]_finetune.yml --checkpoint PATH/TO/MODEL_CHECKPOINT

Model checkpoints are saved in results.


  • Evaluate [TransEnc|BERT]-based model on [Restaurants|Laptops|MAMS] dataset:

    python --config config/[restaurants|laptops|mams]_[TransEnc|BERT]_finetune.yml --checkpoint PATH/TO/MODEL_CHECKPOINT

Our model parameters:

Model Dataset File Google Drive Link Baidu Wangpan Link Baidu Wangpan Code
TransEncAsp+SCAPT SemEval2014 Restaurant link link 5e5c
TransEncAsp+SCAPT SemEval2014 Laptop link link 8amq
TransEncAsp+SCAPT MAMS link link bf2x
BERTAsp+SCAPT SemEval2014 Restaurant link link 1w2e
BERTAsp+SCAPT SemEval2014 Laptop link link zhte
BERTAsp+SCAPT MAMS link link 1iva


If you found this repository useful, please cite our paper:

    title = "Learning Implicit Sentiment in Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training",
    author = "Li, Zhengyan  and
      Zou, Yicheng  and
      Zhang, Chong  and
      Zhang, Qi  and
      Wei, Zhongyu",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "246--256",
    abstract = "Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to identify the sentiment polarity of a specific aspect in product reviews. We notice that about 30{\%} of reviews do not contain obvious opinion words, but still convey clear human-aware sentiment orientation, which is known as implicit sentiment. However, recent neural network-based approaches paid little attention to implicit sentiment entailed in the reviews. To overcome this issue, we adopt Supervised Contrastive Pre-training on large-scale sentiment-annotated corpora retrieved from in-domain language resources. By aligning the representation of implicit sentiment expressions to those with the same sentiment label, the pre-training process leads to better capture of both implicit and explicit sentiment orientation towards aspects in reviews. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on SemEval2014 benchmarks, and comprehensive analysis validates its effectiveness on learning implicit sentiment.",
Zhengyan Li
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