Sandwich Batch Normalization


Sandwich Batch Normalization

MIT licensed

Code for Sandwich Batch Normalization.


We present Sandwich Batch Normalization (SaBN), an extremely easy improvement of Batch Normalization (BN) with only a few lines of code changes.


We demonstrate the prevailing effectiveness of SaBN as a drop-in replacement in four tasks:

  1. conditional image generation,
  2. neural architecture search,
  3. adversarial training,
  4. arbitrary neural style transfer.


Check each of them for more information:

  1. GAN
  2. NAS
  3. Adv
  4. NST

Main Results

1. Conditional Image Generation

Using SaBN in conditional generation task enables an immediate performance boost. Evaluation results on CIFAR-10 are shown below:

Model Inception Score ↑ FID ↓
AutoGAN 8.43 10.51
BigGAN 8.91 8.57
SNGAN 8.76 10.18
AutoGAN-SaBN (ours) 8.72 (+0.29) 9.11 (−1.40)
BigGAN-SaBN (ours) 9.01 (+0.10) 8.03 (−0.54)
SNGAN-SaBN (ours) 8.89 (+0.13) 8.97 (−1.21)

Visual results on ImageNet (128*128 resolution):

CIFAR100 ImageNet

2. Neural Architecture Search

We adopted DARTS as the baseline search algorithm. Results on NAS-Bench-201 are presented below:

Method CIFAR-100 (top1) ImageNet (top1)
DARTS 44.05 ± 7.47 36.47 ± 7.06
DARTS-SaBN (ours) 71.56 ± 1.39 45.85 ± 0.72
CIFAR-100 ImageNet16-120
CIFAR100 ImageNet

3. Adversarial Training

Evaluation results:

Evaluation BN AuxBN (clean branch) SaAuxBN (clean branch) (ours)
Clean (SA) 84.84 94.47 94.62
Evaluation BN AuxBN (adv branch) SaAuxBN (adv branch) (ours)
Clean (SA) 84.84 83.42 84.08
PGD-10 (RA) 41.57 43.05 44.93
PGD-20 (RA) 40.02 41.60 43.14

4. Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer

The model equipped with the proposed SaAdaIN achieves lower style & content loss on both training and testing set.

Training loss:

Training style loss Training content loss
st ct

Validation loss:

Validation style loss Validation content loss
val_st val_ct


  1. NAS codebase from NAS-Bench-201.
  2. NST codebase from AdaIN.
Visual Informatics Group @ University of Texas at Austin
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