Official Pytorch implementation of Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision.


Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition

This repository is the official Pytorch implementation of Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision.

  • TADE (our method) innovates the expert training scheme by introducing diversity-promoting expertise-guided losses, which train different experts to handle distinct class distributions. In this way, the learned experts would be more diverse than existing multi-expert methods, leading to better ensemble performance, and aggregatedly simulate a wide spectrum of possible class distributions.
  • TADE develops a new self-supervised method, namely prediction stability maximization, to adaptively aggregate these experts for better handling unknown test distribution, using unlabeled test class data.


ImageNet-LT (ResNeXt-50)

Long-tailed recognition with uniform test class distribution:

Methods MACs(G) Top-1 acc. Model
Softmax 4.26 48.0
RIDE 6.08 56.3
TADE (ours) 6.08 58.8 Download

Test-agnostic long-tailed recognition:

Methods MACs(G) Forward-50 Forward-10 Uniform Backward-10 Backward-50
Softmax 4.26 66.1 60.3 48.0 34.9 27.6
RIDE 6.08 67.6 64.0 56.3 48.7 44.0
TADE (ours) 6.08 69.4 65.4 58.8 54.5 53.1

CIFAR100-Imbalance ratio 100 (ResNet-32)

Long-tailed recognition with uniform test class distribution:

Methods MACs(G) Top-1 acc.
Softmax 0.07 41.4
RIDE 0.11 48.0
TADE (ours) 0.11 49.8

Test-agnostic long-tailed recognition:

Methods MACs(G) Forward-50 Forward-10 Uniform Backward-10 Backward-50
Softmax 0.07 62.3 56.2 41.4 25.8 17.5
RIDE 0.11 63.0 57.0 48.0 35.4 29.3
TADE (ours) 0.11 65.9 58.3 49.8 43.9 42.4

Places-LT (ResNet-152)

Long-tailed recognition with uniform test class distribution:

Methods MACs(G) Top-1 acc.
Softmax 11.56 31.4
RIDE 13.18 40.3
TADE (ours) 13.18 40.9

Test-agnostic long-tailed recognition:

Methods MACs(G) Forward-50 Forward-10 Uniform Backward-10 Backward-50
Softmax 11.56 45.6 40.2 31.4 23.4 19.4
RIDE 13.18 43.1 41.6 40.3 38.2 36.9
TADE (ours) 13.18 46.4 43.3 40.9 41.4 41.6

iNaturalist 2018 (ResNet-50)

Long-tailed recognition with uniform test class distribution:

Methods MACs(G) Top-1 acc.
Softmax 4.14 64.7
RIDE 5.80 71.8
TADE (ours) 5.80 72.9

Test-agnostic long-tailed recognition:

Methods MACs(G) Forward-3 Forward-2 Uniform Backward-2 Backward-3
Softmax 4.14 65.4 65.5 64.7 64.0 63.4
RIDE 5.80 71.5 71.9 71.8 71.9 71.8
TADE (ours) 5.80 72.3 72.5 72.9 73.5 73.3


  • To install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Hardware requirements

8 GPUs with >= 11G GPU RAM are recommended. Otherwise the model with more experts may not fit in, especially on datasets with more classes (the FC layers will be large). We do not support CPU training, but CPU inference could be supported by slight modification.


Four bechmark datasets

  • Please download these datasets and put them to the /data file.
  • ImageNet-LT and Places-LT can be found at here.
  • iNaturalist data should be the 2018 version from here.
  • CIFAR-100 will be downloaded automatically with the dataloader.
├── ImageNet_LT
│   ├── test
│   ├── train
│   └── val
├── CIFAR100
│   └── cifar-100-python
├── Place365
│   ├── data_256
│   ├── test_256
│   └── val_256
└── iNaturalist 
    ├── test2018
    └── train_val2018

Txt files

  • We provide txt files for test-agnostic long-tailed recognition for ImageNet-LT, Places-LT and iNaturalist 2018. CIFAR-100 will be generated automatically with the code.
  • For iNaturalist 2018, please unzip the
├── ImageNet_LT
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_backward2.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_backward5.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_backward10.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_backward25.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_backward50.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_forward2.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_forward5.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_forward10.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_forward25.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_forward50.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_test.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_train.txt
│   ├── ImageNet_LT_uniform.txt
│   └── ImageNet_LT_val.txt
├── Places_LT_v2
│   ├── Places_LT_backward2.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_backward5.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_backward10.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_backward25.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_backward50.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_forward2.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_forward5.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_forward10.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_forward25.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_forward50.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_test.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_train.txt
│   ├── Places_LT_uniform.txt
│   └── Places_LT_val.txt
└── iNaturalist18
    ├── iNaturalist18_backward2.txt
    ├── iNaturalist18_backward3.txt
    ├── iNaturalist18_forward2.txt
    ├── iNaturalist18_forward3.txt
    ├── iNaturalist18_train.txt
    ├── iNaturalist18_uniform.txt
    └── iNaturalist18_val.txt 

Pretrained models

  • For the training on Places-LT, we follow previous method and use the pre-trained model.
  • Please download the checkpoint. Unzip and move the checkpoint files to /model/pretrained_model_places/.




  • To train the expertise-diverse model, run this command:
python -c configs/config_imagenet_lt_resnext50_tade.json


  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on the uniform test class distribution, run:
python -r checkpoint_path
  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -r checkpoint_path

Test-time training

  • To test-time train the expertise-diverse model for agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -c configs/test_time_imagenet_lt_resnext50_tade.json -r checkpoint_path



  • To train the expertise-diverse model, run this command:
python -c configs/config_cifar100_ir100_tade.json
  • One can change the imbalance ratio from 100 to 10/50 by changing the config file.


  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on the uniform test class distribution, run:
python -r checkpoint_path
  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -r checkpoint_path

Test-time training

  • To test-time train the expertise-diverse model for agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -c configs/test_time_cifar100_ir100_tade.json -r checkpoint_path
  • One can change the imbalance ratio from 100 to 10/50 by changing the config file.



  • To train the expertise-diverse model, run this command:
python -c configs/config_places_lt_resnet152_tade.json


  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on the uniform test class distribution, run:
python -r checkpoint_path
  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -r checkpoint_path

Test-time training

  • To test-time train the expertise-diverse model for agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -c configs/test_time_places_lt_resnet152_tade.json -r checkpoint_path

iNaturalist 2018


  • To train the expertise-diverse model, run this command:
python -c configs/config_iNaturalist_resnet50_tade.json


  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on the uniform test class distribution, run:
python -r checkpoint_path
  • To evaluate expertise-diverse model on agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -r checkpoint_path

Test-time training

  • To test-time train the expertise-diverse model for agnostic test class distributions, run:
python -c configs/test_time_iNaturalist_resnet50_tade.json -r checkpoint_path


If you find our work inspiring or use our codebase in your research, please cite our work.

  title={Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition by Test-Time Aggregating Diverse Experts with Self-Supervision},
  author={Zhang, Yifan and Hooi, Bryan and Hong, Lanqing and Feng, Jiashi},


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