Repository of 3D Object Detection with Pointformer (CVPR2021)


3D Object Detection with Pointformer

This repository contains the code for the paper 3D Object Detection with Pointformer (CVPR 2021) [arXiv]. This work is developed on the top of MMDetection3D toolbox and includes the models and results on SUN RGB-D and ScanNet datasets in the paper.

Overall Structure

More models results on KITTI and nuScenes datasets will be released soon.

Installation and Usage

The code is developed with MMDetection3D v0.6.1 and works well with v0.14.0.


  • NVIDIA GPU + CUDA 10.2
  • Python 3.8 (Recommend to use Anaconda)
  • PyTorch == 1.8.0
  • mmcv-full == 1.3.7
  • mmdet == 2.11.0
  • mmsegmentation == 0.13.0


  1. Install dependencies following their guidelines.
  2. Clone and install mmdet3d in develop mode.
git clone
cd mmdetection3d
python develop
  1. Add the files in this repo into the directories in mmdet3d.

Training and Testing

Download the pretrained weights from Google Drive or Tsinghua Cloud and put them in the checkpoints folder. Use votenet_ptr_sunrgbd-3d-10class as an example:

# Training
bash -x tools/ configs/pointformer/ 8

# Testing 
bash tools/ configs/pointformer/ checkpoints/votenet_ptr_sunrgbd-3d-10class.pth 8 --eval mAP



classes AP_0.25 AR_0.25 AP_0.50 AR_0.50
bed 0.8343 0.9515 0.5556 0.7029
table 0.5353 0.8705 0.2344 0.4604
sofa 0.6588 0.9171 0.4979 0.6715
chair 0.7681 0.8700 0.5664 0.6703
toilet 0.9117 0.9931 0.5538 0.7103
desk 0.2458 0.8050 0.0754 0.3395
dresser 0.3626 0.8028 0.2357 0.4908
night_stand 0.6701 0.9020 0.4525 0.6196
bookshelf 0.3383 0.6809 0.0968 0.2624
bathtub 0.7821 0.8980 0.4259 0.5510
Overall 0.6107 0.8691 0.3694 0.5479


classes AP_0.25 AR_0.25 AP_0.50 AR_0.50
cabinet 0.4548 0.7930 0.1757 0.4435
bed 0.8839 0.9506 0.8006 0.8889
chair 0.9011 0.9386 0.7562 0.8136
sofa 0.8915 0.9794 0.6619 0.8041
table 0.6763 0.8714 0.4858 0.6971
door 0.5413 0.7216 0.2107 0.4283
window 0.4821 0.7021 0.1504 0.2979
bookshelf 0.5255 0.8701 0.4422 0.7273
picture 0.1815 0.3649 0.0748 0.1351
counter 0.6210 0.8654 0.2333 0.3846
desk 0.6859 0.9370 0.3774 0.6535
curtain 0.5522 0.7910 0.3156 0.4627
refrigerator 0.5215 0.9649 0.4028 0.7193
showercurtrain 0.6709 0.9643 0.1941 0.5000
toilet 0.9922 1.0000 0.8210 0.8793
sink 0.6361 0.7347 0.4119 0.5000
bathtub 0.8710 0.8710 0.8375 0.8387
garbagebin 0.4762 0.7264 0.2244 0.4604
Overall 0.6425 0.8359 0.4209 0.5908

For more details of experimetns please refer to the paper.


This code is based on MMDetection3D.


If you find our work is useful in your research, please consider citing:

    author    = {Pan, Xuran and Xia, Zhuofan and Song, Shiji and Li, Li Erran and Huang, Gao},
    title     = {3D Object Detection With Pointformer},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {7463-7472}

  title={3D Object Detection with Pointformer}, 
  author={Xuran Pan and Zhuofan Xia and Shiji Song and Li Erran Li and Gao Huang},
Zhuofan Xia
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