Working Time Statistics of working hours and working conditions by industry and company

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Working Time




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CREATE TABLE worktime.worktime
    id          INTEGER NOT NULL,
    company     TEXT,
    department  TEXT,
    job         TEXT,
    base        TEXT,
    work_begin  TEXT,
    work_end    TEXT,
    launch_time TEXT,
    dinner_time TEXT,
    wed         TEXT,
    fri         TEXT,
    workdays    TEXT,
    summary     TEXT,
    remark      TEXT,
    category    TEXT,
    suggestion  TEXT,
    struct      TEXT,
    welfare     TEXT,
    is_foreign  BOOLEAN,
    domain      TEXT NOT NULL
) partition by list (domain);

CREATE TABLE worktime.internet PARTITION OF worktime.worktime FOR VALUES IN ('互联网');
CREATE TABLE  PARTITION OF worktime.worktime FOR VALUES IN ('金融');
CREATE TABLE worktime.foreign  PARTITION OF worktime.worktime FOR VALUES IN ('外企');
CREATE TABLE worktime.misc     PARTITION OF worktime.worktime FOR VALUES IN ('其他');

COMMENT ON TABLE worktime.worktime IS '企业工作时间统计表';
COMMENT ON TABLE worktime.internet IS '企业工作时间统计表:互联网行业';
COMMENT ON TABLE IS '企业工作时间统计表:金融行业';
COMMENT ON TABLE worktime.foreign IS '企业工作时间统计表:外企';
COMMENT ON TABLE worktime.misc IS '企业工作时间统计表:其他';

CREATE INDEX ON worktime.worktime(company, department);
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.department IS '部门';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.job IS '岗位';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.base IS 'base地';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.work_begin IS '上班时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.work_end IS '下班时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.launch_time IS '午饭时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.dinner_time IS '晚饭时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.fri IS '周五是否特殊';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.workdays IS '一周工作天数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.summary IS '新人是否日报/周报';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.remark IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.category IS '行业/公司性质';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.suggestion IS '建议';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.struct IS '组内 35 岁及以上基层员工( 组长及以下)比例,格式为 x / y,x 为 35岁以上的人数,y 为总人数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.welfare IS '是否有其他福利(如:五险一金,带薪年假,公费旅游,免费三餐)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.is_foreign IS '是否为外资企业?';
COMMENT ON COLUMN worktime.worktime.domain IS '大分类:互联网、金融、外企、其他';
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