Code for SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics (ACL'2020).



Code for SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics (ACL'2020).

Model Architecture



* Python == 3.6.10
* Pytorch == 1.1.0
* CUDA == 9.0.176
* NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
* HuggingFaces Pytorch (also known as pytorch-pretrained-bert & transformers)
* Stanford CoreNLP (stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05)
* Numpy, Pickle, Tqdm, Scipy, etc. (See requirements.txt)


Datasets include:

* SST-phrase
* SST-5 (almost the same with SST-phrase)
* SST-3 (almost the same with SST-phrase)
* SST-2
* Twitter Sentiment Analysis (SemEval 2017 Task 4)
* EmoContext (SemEval 2019 Task 3)
* EmoInt (Joy, Fear, Sad, Anger) (SemEval 2018 Task 1c)

Note that there are no individual datasets for SST-5. When evaluating SST-phrase, the results for SST-5 should also appear.

File Architecture (Selected important files)

-- /examples/                                  ---> start to train
-- /examples/                    ---> input preprocessed files to SentiBERT
-- /pytorch-pretrained-bert/                         ---> detailed model architecture
-- /examples/lm_finetuning/   ---> generate pretrained epochs
-- /examples/lm_finetuning/    ---> pretrain on generated epochs
-- /preprocessing/                                         ---> preprocess raw text and constituency tree
-- /datasets                                                        ---> datasets
-- /transformers (under construction)                               ---> RoBERTa part

Get Started

Preparing Environment

conda create -n sentibert python=3.6.10
conda activate sentibert

conda install pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch

cd SentiBERT/


export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:XX/SentiBERT/pytorch_pretrained_bert


  1. Split the raw text and golden labels of sentiment/emotion datasets into xxx_train\dev\test.txt and xxx_train\dev\test_label.npy, assuming that xxx represents task name.
  2. Obtain tree information. There are totally three situtations.
  • For tasks except SST-phrase, SST-2,3,5, put the files into xxx_train\test.txt files into /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/. To get binary sentiment constituency trees, please run
cd /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05
java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse,sentiment -file xxx_train\test.txt -outputFormat json -ssplit.eolonly true -tokenize.whitespace true

The tree information will be stored in /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/xxx_train\test.txt.json.

  • For SST-2, please use
cd /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05
java -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse,sentiment -file sst2_train\dev_text.txt -outputFormat json -ssplit.eolonly true

The tree information will be stored in /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/sst2_train\dev_text.txt.json.

  • For SST-phrase and SST-3,5, the tree information was already stored in sstphrase_train\test.txt.
  1. Run /datasets/xxx/ to clean, and store the text and label information in xxx_train\dev\test_text_new.txt and xxx_label_train\dev\test.npy. It also transforms the tree structure into matrices /datasets/xxx/xxx_train\dev\test_span.npy and /datasets/xxx/xxx_train\dev\test_span_3.npy. The first matrix is used as the range of constituencies in the first layer of our attention mechanism. The second matrix is used as the indices of each constituency's children nodes or subwords and itself in the second layer. Specifically, for tasks other than EmoInt, SST-phrase, SST-5 and SST-3, the command is like below:
cd /preprocessing

python \
        --data_dir /datasets/xxx/ \                         ---> the location where you want to store preprocessed text, label and tree information 
        --tree_dir /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/ \     ---> the location of unpreprocessed tree information (usually in Stanford CoreNLP repo)
        --stage train \                                     ---> "train", "test" or "dev"

For EmoInt, the command is shown below:

cd /preprocessing

python \
        --data_dir /datasets/xxx/ \                         ---> the location where you want to store preprocessed text, label and tree information 
        --tree_dir /stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/ \     ---> the location of unpreprocessed tree information (usually in Stanford CoreNLP repo)
        --stage train \                                     ---> "train" or "test"
        --domain joy                                        ---> "joy", "sad", "fear" or "anger". Used in EmoInt task

For SST-phrase, SST-5 and SST-3, since they already have tree information in sstphrase_train\test.txt. In this case, tree_dir should be /datasets/sstphrase/ or /datasets/sst-3/. The command is shown below:

cd /preprocessing

python \
        --data_dir /datasets/xxx/ \                         ---> the location where you want to store preprocessed text, label and tree information 
        --tree_dir /datasets/xxx/ \                         ---> the location of unpreprocessed tree information    
        --stage train \                                     ---> "train" or "test"


  1. Generate epochs for preparation
cd /examples/lm_finetuning

python3 \
        --train_corpus /datasets/sstphrase/sstphrase_train_text_new.txt \
        --data_dir /datasets/sstphrase/ \
        --bert_model bert-base-uncased \
        --do_lower_case \
        --output_dir /training_sstphrase \
        --epochs_to_generate 3 \
        --max_seq_len 128 \
  1. Pretrain the generated epochs
        --pregenerated_data /training_sstphrase \
        --bert_model bert-base-uncased \
        --do_lower_case \
        --output_dir /results/sstphrase_pretrain \
        --epochs 3

The pre-trained parameters were released here. [Google Drive]


Run directly as follows:

cd /examples

  --task_name xxx \                              ---> task name
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --do_lower_case \
  --data_dir /datasets/xxx \                     ---> the same name as task_name
  --pretrain_dir /results/sstphrase_pretrain \   ---> the location of pre-trained parameters
  --bert_model bert-base-uncased \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --train_batch_size xxx \
  --learning_rate xxx \
  --num_train_epochs xxx \                                                          
  --domain xxx \                                 ---> "joy", "sad", "fear" or "anger". Used in EmoInt task
  --output_dir /results/xxx \                    ---> the same name as task_name
  --seed xxx \
  --para xxx                                     ---> "sentibert" or "bert": pretrained SentiBERT or BERT


For reproducity and usability, we provide checkpoints and the original training settings to help you reproduce: Link of overall result folder: [Google Drive]

The implementation details and results are shown below:

Note: 1) BERT denotes BERT w/ Mean pooling. 2) The results of subtasks in EmoInt is (Joy: 68.90, 65.18, 4 epochs), (Anger: 68.17, 66.73, 4 epochs), (Sad: 66.25, 63.08, 5 epochs), (Fear: 65.49, 64.79, 5 epochs), respectively.

Models Batch Size Learning Rate Epochs Seed Results
SentiBERT 32 2e-5 5 30 **68.98**
BERT* 32 2e-5 5 30 65.22
SentiBERT 32 2e-5 5 30 **56.04**
BERT* 32 2e-5 5 30 50.23
SentiBERT 32 2e-5 1 30 **93.25**
BERT 32 2e-5 1 30 92.08
SentiBERT 32 2e-5 5 77 **77.34**
BERT* 32 2e-5 5 77 73.35
SentiBERT 32 2e-5 1 0 **74.47**
BERT 32 2e-5 1 0 73.64
SentiBERT 16 2e-5 4 or 5 77 **67.20**
BERT 16 2e-5 4 or 5 77 64.95
SentiBERT 32 6e-5 1 45 **70.2**
BERT 32 6e-5 1 45 69.7


Here we provide analysis implementation in our paper. We will focus on the evaluation of

  • local difficulty
  • global difficulty
  • negation
  • contrastive relation

In preprocessing part, we provide implementation to extract related information in the test set of SST-phrase and store them in

-- /datasets/sstphrase/swap_test_new.npy                   ---> global difficulty
-- /datasets/sstphrase/edge_swap_test_new.npy              ---> local difficulty
-- /datasets/sstphrase/neg_new.npy                         ---> negation
-- /datasets/sstphrase/but_new.npy                         ---> contrastive relation

In simple_accuracy_phrase(), we will provide statistical details and evaluate for each metric.

Some of the analysis results based on our provided checkpoints are selected and shown below:

Models Results
Local Difficulty
SentiBERT **[85.39, 60.80, 49.40]**
BERT* [83.00, 55.54, 31.97]
SentiBERT **[78.45, 76.25, 70.56]**
BERT* [75.04, 71.40, 68.77]
Contrastive Relation
SentiBERT **39.87**
BERT* 28.48


Here we would like to thank for BERT/RoBERTa implementation of HuggingFace and sentiment tree parser of Stanford CoreNLP. Also, thanks for the dataset release of SemEval. To confirm the privacy rule of SemEval task organizer, we only choose the publicable datasets of each task.


Please cite our ACL paper if this repository inspired your work.

  author    = {Yin, Da and Meng, Tao and Chang, Kai-Wei},
  title     = {{SentiBERT}: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 58th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, {ACL} 2020, Seattle, USA},
  year      = {2020},


  • Due to the difference of environment, the results will be a bit different. If you have any questions regarding the code, please create an issue or contact the owner of this repository.
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